oldarmy1 said:
Here's the market quandry. AMZN has been THE bellweather stock as a leading indicator of macro trend. Look at the near perfection the large gaps have resulted in directional trend moves. Well, it has a recent gap down and that simply should not be ignored on both trading and macro fronts. If AMZN fills that gap and breaks the pattern then bull market leg here we come. But until/unless that happens I would be willing to bet a steak that we will see a trend downward over the next weeks to months.

great find, yeah i used to trade it extensively until it became so YUGE

but yeah it's become a leader
sweet more volatility, kind of figured that'd be the result of the election, hopefully not insane news driven vol swells like we've seen last few weeks, but good healthy sustained vol ...also love aspect of Trump in that he'll be the only person in that sphere that will actually try and challenge the FED, which news in itself will give us vol just like all those market temper tantrums when they threaten to take away free money and raise rates just a fraction...love it
thanks for the heads up, as always keep those deltas balanced boys, and if the signal comes in kick off that parking break