I want to do this with those little Bios because of the spike factor but mainly because I enjoy trading. I didn't deploy the net free strategy on this one and just traded the channel since it was so predictable. Imagine if I would have and bam.NRD09 said:
Appreciate it guysI bleed maroon said:
"Net free" is just a manner of identifying the age-old strategy of selling enough shares to recover your initial investment. I've (along with many others) been employing it for options trading since before OA was in diapers
The oa strategy I'm referring to is the idea of buying at bottom of channel, selling enough to recover initial investment at top of channel, squirrel away remaining shares, rinse and repeat. The rinse and repeat step being the novel part and difficulty in record keeping. It's not rocket surgery but everybody I've mentioned the strategy to thinks it's brilliant so it's clearly not standard knowledge/ practice, at least for non finance folks

Wealth gained hastily will dwindle. but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.
Proverbs 13:11
Proverbs 13:11