If we and Reddit WSB were smart, shouldn't we just be buying the heck out of all the high short interest stocks? SPCE is up there.

FbgTxAg said:Talon2DSO said:
Ozsc was voted as the next boom by reddit. Current ask price is $10
This would literally make me a multi-millionaire.
If I ever cashed out.
"Who wants to be a BILLIONAIRE!!!!"
Edit. Holy F***. The ask is ACTUALLY currently $10.
TexasAg2017 said:Most probably don't have the cash to exercise.DubFalls said:McInnis 03 said:ehrmantraut said:
The only flaw with these folks thinking is they think they have to wait until Friday. If they all exercised at some high point, that's when the bomb would go off
Yeah, if they just agreed to all exercise starting at 8am tomorrow morning it would send the stock to the moon.
I'm not sure why this strategy isn't being pushed.
There will be opportunities for sure. For me If I play any of these most likely it will be with options vs shares and smaller in comparison to my normal trades. I will probably treat these as lottos and focus on those that have made this thread so much money.Rice and Fries said:
FYI - The next target on WSB is SLV. They want to rid the silver shorts from the world. They'll start pushing the message next week about buying and longing SLV.
The real DD on SLV, the worlds biggest short squeeze is possible and we can make history https://reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/
I have UVXY shares and added last night. Will be adding SPXU options out to possibly June..third coast.. said:
Is anyone going to put more in hedges today? Those that are much more knowledgeable, what are you looking at?
I am not so sure I would do that. You could find it at $300 10minutes after you pay $450.GCP12 said:
GME is at $450 premarket. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm probably going to light some cash on fire buying it when the market opens
Not an expert but I would go net free. It is at the cup completion back to June and may handle out for a while. No one knows but has huge volume recently. Sleep better at night IMO.Aggie118 said:
Question for the experts. For CTRM, it short up to .90 over night, I have shares at .31. Would y'all recommend selling off before the market opens, or at least enough to go net free?
The only reason I ask is because I saw AMC got up to $22 I'm premarket only to collapse down to $10 at open. Thanks!
Aggies75455 said:
Going in on some of the WSB plays at premarket open. What are most suggested? I'm staying away from GME at this point. AMC, NOK, SLV, CLOV? Any others?
Spaceship said:Aggies75455 said:
Going in on some of the WSB plays at premarket open. What are most suggested? I'm staying away from GME at this point. AMC, NOK, SLV, CLOV? Any others?
CLOV is a good dip to buy for long term but it's not "get rich quick" like AMC and GME were.
Portnoy has AMC and NOK on the line FWIW. $1M on the line between the two.Aggies75455 said:Spaceship said:Aggies75455 said:
Going in on some of the WSB plays at premarket open. What are most suggested? I'm staying away from GME at this point. AMC, NOK, SLV, CLOV? Any others?
CLOV is a good dip to buy for long term but it's not "get rich quick" like AMC and GME were.
Yea it seems much less risky. I bought Monday and yesterday so already holding some there. I swing traded AMC yesterday and worked out really good. Just looking for which ones we think are next and will risk money I'd be willing to part ways with if it comes tumbling down.