irish pete ag06 said:
Today was a good day.
Sold half my TQQQ I've swung for a week and a half.
2/2 on the day, 1 QQQ put and 1 QQQ call!

Image always flagged… +6.92%
Been busy but trading here and there. The family and I are on a northern New Mexico road trip. First stop was Red River now at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya (this is a hell of a deal if you're a Hyatt point nerd like I am).
Have traded intermittently and have had a lot of success. Most of the trades I've made on this trip have been scalps I've spent just a few minutes in. Some even a few seconds. I've not wanted to stay in trades long since I'm on vacation. Honestly this is probably the way I should always trade.
I also closed out a TQQQ position today when FOMC caused a ramp about an hour before close. Freakin market has tanked after these meetings lately… honestly may jump in some SQQQ over night now that I think about it. Gonna finish this drink first.
Also wanted to update my trading since my last post.
The day after my last update was crappy. Took a -10% day but have been able to recover those gains over the last couple weeks