Txmoe said:
I've paid premiums for 35 years and never filed a major claim with SF. But now they are refusing to cover obvious hail damage on my roof. (They are calling it "normal wear and tear.") I'm about to go through mediation with them but I'm wondering what else I can do to fight this.
This is not a rant about my local agent who has been very helpful through all of this. This fight is with the claims department. Appreciate any advice.
What a mess. But, this is not atypical. Also, your local agent is a big asset to you so he is not our opponent. You've gotten some good advice so far, so I'll add what I've done.
I just did one with State Farm and it was a huge fight. My typical workflow for these guys is:
Meet customer
inspect and document roof
Meet adjuster and persuade them to pay for the roof
If they deny it…
I send a full report with my photos along with a MASSIVE estimate to them to kick their tail into gear.
We do a re inspection and hope I get an adjuster that knows what he's doing. I document everything again.
If they deny it again, I can burn up as many resources as they want with several tactics to force reinspection over and over again until they either cave or say no.
If they say no, I have a really awesome Ag that is a PA that will go to bat with appraisal. He may or may not take the claim, and that process will cost you a little out of pocket but still cheaper than paying for the roof outright.
My last State Farm dance like this went from them approving a 2,000 dollar repair with two inspections and finally they gave up and ate the roof to the tune of nearly 26 times the original claim. And yes, when they make me and my homeowners fight for an approval, it costs them way more than had they just approved it the first time.
I don't win every single one but I win most of them. Sometimes this is just about wearing them down and being a thorn in their side to force them to do the right thing.
My contact is in my profile if you'd like to discuss or hash this out over the phone or offline. I can pull hail reports and do some legwork before ever setting foot on the roof. I'm happy to help you out if you need anything.
I'm happy to provide as much free info and resources to people here as I can afford.
Houston-Austin-Dallas-San Antonio - Infinity Roofing - https://linqapp.com/jason_duke --- JasonDuke@InfinityRoofer.com --- https://infinityrooferjason.blogspot.com/