For legal business transactions in the US, I agree it's not currently practical due to the regulatory environment. For P2P, it's arguably as easy, if not easier, than Venmo.
Especially for sending money across borders.
I can put $10 into CashApp/Strike's app from my Chase account and send it to anyone who has a Bitcoin wallet, anywhere in the world, and they would have immediate settlement for less than 1% in fees. Right now. No bank account necessary.
In the case of Strike, I can send dollars across the BTC network rails and the app will give the recipient pesos if they want. It doesn't have to be Bitcoin.
The issue isn't a lack of utility. The issue is that most people don't know, or aren't willing to accept, that it's an option. That level of ignorance is quickly changing for the better and will accelerate as FOMO kicks in.
“There is no red.
There is no blue.
There is the state.
And there is you.”
“As government expands, Liberty contracts” - R. Reagan