If you got 8,000-9,000 for garage doors, painting, and staining, and that is the ACV part they sent up front explicitly for those items, then you can use that how you need to use it. Do the doors, paint, or not...up to you.
Once it's in your bank account, its YOUR CASH. Where you run into problems is having recoverable deprecation for those items, requesting it, and not doing the work. That's a problem.
So, if you have a 2,000 deductible, and the carrier has an ACV column for gutters for 2,000, well, you've offset your own deductible. I'll leave it up to you as to whether it's the right thing to do, but if you don't go back to the carrier for extra money on the gutters, and they never send you anything extra, then as far as they are concerned, those items were done. Just make dang sure your roofer is not billing for a penny more than the RCV on your roof section only, or whatever items he is doing.
Infinity Roofing - https://linqapp.com/jason_duke --- JasonDuke@InfinityRoofer.com --- https://infinityrooferjason.blogspot.com/