Obi Wan Ginobili said:
khaos288 said:
I'm straight up in the doldrums right now with my iron striking. I'm driving it maybe the best I ever had. My pitching game inside 125 is solid. Greenside game is solid, and putting is solid.
At 150 with a 9 iron in hand, I have zero confidence I'll hit the green, and as far as golf goes, whatever you think will happen is most likely to happen.
A 150 yard 9 iron is on the long side for amateurs. What is your ball flight like? Do you spin the ball enough to stop it on the green when you hit shots "correctly".
I ask because if you are swinging really hard to make your irons go this far, that's a great reason why you're playing poorly. If you're just an animal or tall or something and you naturally hit the ball far, what is stopping you from choking down maybe 1/2 inch on an 8 iron and taking some deliberate, tempo swings?
I'm a big fan of play the game you want to play, how you want to play it, but if you're in the "doldrums" with your irons, and you hit your irons a long way, you have a possible fix built in. You don't need to swing so hard!
I am taller, and longer than average for amateurs for sure. I don't have trouble stopping well struck balls on greens.
I have a guy I get lessons from that has me working on my positioning at the top that has me getting stuck on video a lot. I haven't been able to take it to the course, but it's working on the sim.
The rest of it is just being a headcase. If my first iron strike on the course is good, I'll have a better day, but if I start off with a pull hook, or something ugly, I have to fight it.
If only I were a better golfer, I'd be a better golfer.