Poot said:
The PGAT (and Monahan) missed the mark on a pretty simple concept…
You have to keep your needle-movers happy. It's just like any other business in that if your top producers aren't happy, then really nothing else matters. I'm not saying that you have to cowtail completely to them, but you damn sure better listen.
Tour leadership is not free to just change the tour setup as it wants. It has to get the membership (I.e. the players) to buy in. By basic math, the stars didn't have the votes to build the tour in their favor because they're outnumbered by the rank and file 10-1. There was simply no way for the tour to cater to the stars prior to LIV. LIV did create the leverage the stars needed to force the rank and file to go along with their plans because they could credibly threaten to leave.
I mean, what was your plan, pre-LIV, to get 120 tour players to vote against their self interest for the benefit for 20 guys?
Edit - And there's some irony that the one guy on here who knows a LIV guy is complaining that the tour catered too much to the stars and then other posters are criticizing the tour for not catering enough to the stars. Thus confirming that not only was there was no way for the tour to please everyone but even the middle ground that tried to account for both still left room for both to grumble. Moving off that equilibrium was virtually impossible.