I remember when NW Military was one lane coming and going back in 1980. Way before Wurzbach Parkway was a glimmer in Hardberger's eye.
We used to bowhunt the Voelcker Ranch as kids. Growing up in Oak Meadow, the ass end of Castle Hills Forest had streets cut but no homes. It was full of deer and turkey and a short walk from the house. There were some nice bucks in those woods.
The land bridge idea is a waste of thought, engineering and money. They should have had the foresight to figure that sheet out when they designed Wurzbach Parkway to traverse their park.
Instead, it's the puro San Antonio way. Build the sidewalks first and then figure out where people walk and then come back and drop the $$$ to fix it.
Besides, with buildout surrounding the park, a land bridge isn't going to make a fookin difference for biodiversity or any other bull sheet reason they can concoct.
Gig 'em! '90