I am happy to hear you are still exploring! Scotch is one of those spirits that I truly believe anyone who enjoys whisk(e)y can find a distillery they love.
Really good intros to Scotch (a Speyside, a Highlands and a Lowlands)- They won't have the Macallan funk or the smoky/peaty flavors of Islay or other more adventurous malts.
Balvenie Doublewood 12 (Usually runs between 55-70 dollars a bottle depending on where you are)
Glenmorangie Original (amazing scotch especially considering the price point ~$35 for a 750 ml)
Glenkinchie 12 very light flavors and very easy drinking. (a bit more expensive at ~$70 but is well worth finding a place that serves it to give it a try)
ETA: There is nothing wrong with drinking the Costco scotch either. If you like it, I say go for it.
You do not have a soul. You are a soul that has a body.
We sing Hallelujah! The Lamb has overcome!