normaleagle05 said:
I have a proper knife but don't use a glove, just a kitchen towel folded over.
back when I was in high school I worked in the kitchen at Hooters and it was my job to shuck oysters. I had never done it before until my boss handed me the knife and showed me how to do it once then put me on the line. The one I used wasn't particularly sharp and was more blunted and we didn't have any gloves aside from the regular nitrile ones. For particularly tricky ones we had a shucker like this

But it was really slow compared to doing it by hand. They would run a sale of 1.25 oysters from time to time and I would get slammed with orders all night long. To this day I am shocked I never cut myself or tore up my hand. I used to have a collection of pearls that I found but lost them all at some point in college. Most were just little half pearls or deformed but it was still pretty cool.