I was gonna go with The PurgeAgasaurus Tex said:
Star of the upcoming movie "Cujo: The Beginning"
Lex said:
Cute but I refuse to have a dog that clean its own bobo. It's not a dog if it can't do all the dog things. And I'm definitely not releasing glands.
my Boston can go to town in his "bobo" as you call it. But to be safe. He gets theseLex said:
My brain was faster than my fingers. Edited to make it make sense. Dogs should be able to self clean. Have you ever been around one of these neckless turds when they aren't properly kept? They smell horrible. The glands need stimulation or manually purged. That's not for me.
But cute for someone else.
713nervy said:
For some size / types of dogs, you have to stick your fingers in their butthole and massage anal glands to "express" them (drain them), otherwise they can get overfilled / infected. This normally happens on its own when a dog takes a dumperoo, but some dogs have to have it done manually.
bagger05 said:
It's like they're huddling in fear!