Good to know. Thanks guys
Petito... Potatosuburban cowboy said:
I keep wanting to call her Gabby Potato
suburban cowboy said:
Also heard Brian "dirty" Laundry has been editing his Spotify playlists in recent days
The Dirty Sock said:infinity ag said:
What's the latest?
Well, looking on twitter for updated news I found out we're all racist for following this since we're not more focused on all the other missing black people.
The Dirty Sock said:infinity ag said:
What's the latest?
Well, looking on twitter for updated news I found out we're all racist for following this since we're not more focused on all the other missing black people.
MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid: Media reporting Gabby Petito’s disappearance/presumed murder is symptom of "Missing White Woman Syndrome."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 21, 2021
Seabreeze said:The Dirty Sock said:infinity ag said:
What's the latest?
Well, looking on twitter for updated news I found out we're all racist for following this since we're not more focused on all the other missing black people.MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid: Media reporting Gabby Petito’s disappearance/presumed murder is symptom of "Missing White Woman Syndrome."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 21, 2021
I'm confused. It appears she is a news anchor of some sort so therefore she reports the news. Why doesn't she go ahead and report about the other missing black people. That's literally her job. Lord knows if she gets fired because she's reporting on it, she'll sue the company.Seabreeze said:The Dirty Sock said:infinity ag said:
What's the latest?
Well, looking on twitter for updated news I found out we're all racist for following this since we're not more focused on all the other missing black people.MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid: Media reporting Gabby Petito’s disappearance/presumed murder is symptom of "Missing White Woman Syndrome."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 21, 2021
. Not if he was using the cell phone for the other persons airline ticket he boughttandy miller said:
If he were doing it off of his cell they should be able to find him, no?
Ragoo said:
My guess is that he intentionally began acting a certain way knowing that she would respond aggressively.
The incident with the police was set up after he saw police cruisers. Beginning to drive erratic and antagonize her so that she appeared to be the aggressor and he the victim.
He then murdered her in "self defense" at least in his mind. But still premeditated in the first degree.
Exactlywangus12 said:
I'm confused. It appears she is a news anchor of some sort so therefore she reports the news. Why doesn't she go ahead and report about the other missing black people. That's literally her job. Lord knows if she gets fired because she's reporting on it, she'll sue the company.
F16 is thataway.Poke_the_Bear said:
In the last 20 years, more Americans have died on the streets of Chicago then Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
But since Chicago is controlled by the dims, will never hear about that
Poke_the_Bear said:
In the last 20 years, more Americans have died on the streets of Chicago then Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
But since Chicago is controlled by the dims, will never hear about that
mic suede said:Poke_the_Bear said:
In the last 20 years, more Americans have died on the streets of Chicago then Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
But since Chicago is controlled by the dims, will never hear about that
You know that Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Missouri, Alaska, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma all have higher murder rates than Illinois, right? Oopsie.
It's funny when that kind of thing is part of a comedians set, Im pretty sure Chappelle even has a bit about it.Seabreeze said:The Dirty Sock said:infinity ag said:
What's the latest?
Well, looking on twitter for updated news I found out we're all racist for following this since we're not more focused on all the other missing black people.MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid: Media reporting Gabby Petito’s disappearance/presumed murder is symptom of "Missing White Woman Syndrome."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 21, 2021
mic suede said:
It's far safer to be a person of color anywhere in Illinois than in your texas panhandle. The corrupt police in Tulia arrested 10% of all black citizens on made up charges and Gov Perry had to pardon them all.
I'm sure you've got no knowledge of the "Tulia 46" in your own backyard but you sure know about how dangerous it is 1000 miles away.