The article is not accurate. She hit him. He didn't hit her. They were going to cite her or haul her to jail, even though the statute is not supposed to allow them discretion in a domestic situation, they cleverly created some to let her go
johnrth said:
Full body cam video of Moab police run in with both of them.
Ol_Ag_02 said:
I'm starting to wonder if she did the woman thing where she's mad and storms off refusing to come back and be reasoned with.
An hour later she gets lost and has an oh **** what have I done revelation. Doesn't make it out.
Mathguy64 said:
If shes just BSC and gone on Walkabout and he left her somewhere on a road alive, then there is no need to lawyer and clam up. You can say that. Its not a crime to leave crazytown.
He's lawyered up and shut up because that not what happened. It might have been a accident but he knows.
I saw a report that the van is back at their home in Florida.NateDog said:What's your source for the bolded info? Because you're correct that it isn't being reported...MonkeyKnifeFighter said:
I'm fluent in crazy b**** and I think the media is bigtime jumping to conclusions.
The articles are all slanted almost singlemindedly into trying to guilt Brian into cracking his silence.
The media also seems to conveniently leaving out several facts in the timeline.
Reading between the lines of the police report, she is majorly unhinged.
I bet their engagement fell apart, she stepped out on him, and he's in combo mode of shell shocked and IRL GTFO'ing.
Her curious dialog in the police report leads me to believe she goaded him into leaving Moab without her.
And he did - he flew out of Moab and went back to Florida, leaving her with the van.
The news isn't reporting that, nor that he flew back to Moab to collect the van again, then drove it back to Florida. Convenient the media also neglects to mention that she was seen alive after he left - certainly the first time, and maybe after the 2nd time he was in Moab.
She's laying low playing "Gone Girl" trying to get him arrested for murder in retaliation.
He's keeping quiet because he has watched the first 26 minutes, 25 seconds of this video and knows she's going to have to resurface eventually.
And all this explanation about why she stayed silent when she vanished is going to fall on her shoulders.
Meanwhile he's reorganizing his life because he's glad it's all over now, and clearing his name is just a waiting game requiring no involvement on his part at all.
At least that's my take on reading multiple sources. And I kind of hope that's how it happened, because this way results in one less awful murder.
Or she died in an accident falling on a ravine and he panicked and ran.Ol_Ag_02 said:Mathguy64 said:
If shes just BSC and gone on Walkabout and he left her somewhere on a road alive, then there is no need to lawyer and clam up. You can say that. Its not a crime to leave crazytown.
He's lawyered up and shut up because that not what happened. It might have been a accident but he knows.
Or maybe he knows that leaving her on the side of the road becuase she hit him again and was BSC could result in him going to jail if she didn't survive.
Or he killed her and the lesbian tent hippies as well. Who knows. Will watch the Netflix documentary though.
Petito's last known location was Aug. 25 in Grand Teton National Park. Laundrie, meanwhile, drove back to the Florida Gulf Coast town of North Port, where their trip began, on Sept. 1, and the van was recovered by police at his family's home on Sept. 11.
Mathguy64 said:
He's lawyered up and shut up because that not what happened. It might have been a accident but he knows.
I knew a middle aged white guy who disappeared something like 15 or so years ago. Nobody really cared all that much about that, though. I don't even remember his name.hedge said:
Pretty white girls going missing is a national tragedy
Milwaukees Best Light said:
And she also has small boobies.
Sea Speed said:
Prove it
Ag_N_Houston said:Milwaukees Best Light said:
And she also has small boobies.
I have small boobies. Don't judge.