fc2112 said:
Ragoo said:
The county sets the speed limit.
I think the state has some say in the roads they maintain, right? That way, some little county in west Texas can't crank it down to 55 mph to enhance revenue.
I know they once did. We had a meeting with them and city council about an area that had several car accidents. As I recall the speed limit was 55, there was a pretty nasty curve in the road near a large church and a large subdivision. Traffic had very little ability to see someone puling out of either.
This had gone back and forth for a couple months, they appeared at a council meeting and said they had done a traffic study and actually the speed limit could be 60 through that area and because of that, they could not lower the speed limit. And that the number of accidents was no more than other areas in town. I told them then your traffic study was probably done by the same idiots who designed a shared turn line (traffic meeting head on in one lane before either could turn). And asked for their data on other areas with a similar number of accidents (there were none). Someone on council wrote someone in Austin and the speed limit got lowered.