Star Wars Discussion Thread

6,546,682 Views | 45265 Replies | Last: 5 days ago by fig96
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TC started the Leo rumors!?!?
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Question for those who were around for it: how was ROTJ received when it came out? Were people pissed or did people think it was a satisfying end to the trilogy?
Panama Red
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my friends and I in 3rd grade loved it
Brian Earl Spilner
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Starting to get impatient with the lack of news lately.

TC, any word when we might actually get some casting news?
Brian Earl Spilner
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Tweeted on the 6th:

Ali Arikan @aliarikan
Apparently: SW shooting schedule May 19 - August 8 (Move-in to offices around April 20). Casting complete barring two leads. Everyone's back

Could they be waiting until everyone is cast, and then announcing the entire cast in a single press release? If they are, the internet may break that day, regardless of who they cast.

[This message has been edited by Brian Earl Spilner (edited 2/10/2014 1:08p).]
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There's definitely a restlessness amongst a lot of the in-the-know internet movie community. The feeling is, with the Sundance and the Super Bowl finally over, news could drop literally any day now. Like I said a couple weeks back, I'm betting we start getting official word this month. March at the absolute latest.
Urban Ag
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I was also in third grade in 1983 when ROTJ was released. The hype leading up to it literally commanded all media attention. I can remember even the local newspaper committing the weekend section (about six pages) to nothing but ROTJ and Star Wars.

As I recall, it was received extremely well by children, not so well by adults, and pretty much panned by critics (with exception to lauding the special effect and sound).
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Weird, i was in third grade in 1983 as well. My dad worked on an oil tanker and wasn't home until it had been out two weeks. I punched a kid in the face who wouldn't stop talking about the plot after seeing it opening weekend.
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Good write-up from Drew McWeeny at HitFix, echoing Brian Earl Spilner's quoted tweet above...
Orlando Ayala Cant Read
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i think Urban is right. I was in 3rd grade at the time as well and i think Kids loved it, Adults were meh, and critics were kinda mixed as well.

to this day i think RotJ gets a lot of unnecessary hate thrown at it. its a solid movie imho. especially compared to the garbage that is the prequels.
Ag Since 83
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Hmm, Episode I came out on my 16th birthday. Now, Episode VII will start shooting on my 31st. Oh please let this not be an omen as to film quality.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Don't worry, it will have no bearing on the quality. Haters pile on the prequels because that's what the so-called cool people do
Sex Panther
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Haters pile on the prequels because that's what the so-called cool people do

Haters piled on the prequels because they were ****ing awful.
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Haters piled on the prequels because they were ****ing awful.

Was literally about to type almost the same thing.

The prequels are objectively, verifiably horrible. I can point to any number of reviews and/or video blog reviews that analyze and explain in great detail, without coming across like Comic Book Guy, why the prequels fail miserably on both a story and directorial level.
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The all-time greatest one being Red Letter Media's epic take-down...
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Like any of those reviews or blogs mean a damn thing to anyone who like the prequels.

I like them. They aren't masterpieces and they had more than a few flaws. I don't give a sh_t what some blog writer thinks about how horrible they are. They are a part of Star Wars and that makes them awesome.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I like the prequels. They're fun and they make sense, unlike say, Transformers 2. And the music is fantastic.
Brian Earl Spilner
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And I agree, you can post all the reviews you want, but that won't change the fact that we like them, or that a lot of other people do.
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Was merely trying to "prove" that it wasn't a bandwagon, all-the-cool-kids-hate-it kind of thing, as Cinco Ranch Aggie suggested. Don't care if you like them or not. Just don't tell me the only reason I don't like them is because I want in on the cool fad. I hate them because they're horribly-told stories, plain and simple.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 2/10/2014 8:46p).]
Brian Earl Spilner
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You may not like them, but they're not as bad as people like to pretend. I think the massive over exaggeration about how "bad" they are is what has become somewhat of a thing, like the over the top hate for Nickelback.
Sex Panther
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They are a part of Star Wars and that makes them awesome.

I dont understand this reasoning. The fact they are a part of Star Wars is embarassing in my opinion. They don't deserve to be mentioned with the orginals. Does Crystal Skull get a pass because it has "Indiana Jones and the..." in front of it? What about the Matrix sequels?

They are so wooden and stiff, there isn't even remotely the same magic that the first ones had. So disappointing on so many levels.

Now I've tried to become a lot more understanding of other's tastes, and realize we're not going to agree on everything, and that's ok... But there is no denying the fact that they are almost universally panned (especially the first). Dismissing the criticism as "haters" or "hipsters" being petty, just doesn't hold up. I get you love Star Wars... heck, so do I... But the prequels are not good movies.

[This message has been edited by Sex Panther (edited 2/10/2014 8:50p).]
Brian Earl Spilner
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They averaged like 60% or so on RT, so it's hardly universal. It's just that the hate is very vocal. The people who like them don't go around saying how great they are. Doesn't mean there weren't people that liked them.
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You may not like them, but they're not as bad as people like to pretend. I think the massive over exaggeration about how "bad" they are is what has become somewhat of a thing, like the over the top hate for Nickelback.

I disagree completely. I'd argue that the vast majority of people who like them are blinded by nostalgia and affection for the original trilogy. Redline's "They are a part of Star Wars and that makes them awesome" comment speaks directly to that. Take away that lens, actually consider some of the criticisms, and you can't argue the myriad of problems these movies have.

Seriously, take an hour - or even ten minutes - and watch that link. It's not only hilarious, but I honestly don't see how anyone could come away from that thinking the prequels don't feature horribly-told stories. You can enjoy them all you want. That's a totally different thing. Just don't argue that they're "not that bad." They really, truly are. Doesn't mean you can't like them, though.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 2/10/2014 8:57p).]
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SP essentially beat me to the point as I was typing.
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I think the prequels are bad, but I sure enjoy them. I'd categorize it more as disappointing rather than bad, but I definitely see the argument.
Brian Earl Spilner
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There's your problem. If you look at movies that way, you'd like very, very few movies a year, if any. All movies are flawed. So there's no point in trying to prove they're objectively bad because it doesn't make a difference.

Mighty Ducks movies may be objectively horrible too, but I love them.
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There's your problem. If you look at movies that way, you'd like very, very few movies a year, if any. All movies are flawed. So there's no point in trying to prove they're objectively bad because it doesn't make a difference.

Mighty Ducks movies may be objectively horrible too, but I love them.

I do look at movies that way and I still LOVE many, many movies a year.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 2/10/2014 9:00p).]
Brian Earl Spilner
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If we're gonna be cold and scientific about it, numbers don't lie. 80% on RT for Episode III would not suggest a " universally panned, objectively bad" film.

[This message has been edited by Brian Earl Spilner (edited 2/10/2014 9:03p).]
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Besides, that's like saying all women are flawed so you might as well marry a hooker.
Brian Earl Spilner
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There's your problem. If you look at movies that way, you'd like very, very few movies a year, if any. All movies are flawed. So there's no point in trying to prove they're objectively bad because it doesn't make a difference.

Mighty Ducks movies may be objectively horrible too, but I love them.

I do look at movies that way and I still LOVE many, many movies a year.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 2/10/2014 9:00p).]

Even ones with story flaws? I'm guessing yes.
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Of course.

But arguing whether or not something is good does not equate to arguing whether or not you like it. Those are two completely different things. I like plenty of sh*tty movies and I can't stand plenty of great movies. The quality of a movie doesn't have to equal my enjoyment of it, which is what so many people seem to think.
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I dont understand this reasoning. The fact they are a part of Star Wars is embarassing in my opinion. They don't deserve to be mentioned with the orginals. Does Crystal Skull get a pass because it has "Indiana Jones and the..." in front of it? What about the Matrix sequels?

1st of all, I have never heard of this Crystal Skull thing you mention.

2nd, you can't act like they don't exist and aren't part of the story. You may not like how the story was told but the themes and actions are authentic Star Wars. Bad directing and bad acting aside, the prequels do exactly what they are supposed to do, which is tell us how the Empire came to be and how Anakin became Vader. That's it. On top of that, we get at least 3 times more Jedi/Sith lightsaber battles than the originals.

You may have watched the movies similar to the way I did: thinking over and over "well that's a stupid decision." However, all those dumb decisions were necessary for there to ever be a Rebellion.

Lastly, I'm not trying to give them a pass. I already said they had their problems. I'm saying even so, I still love them. Are you next going to tell me it's an embarrassment to enjoy one sport over another?

[This message has been edited by redline248 (edited 2/10/2014 9:16p).]
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Are you next going to tell me it's an embarrassment to enjoy one sport over another?

Again, no one is telling you it's an embarrassment to enjoy something. We're just saying, "These movies suck." And you guys are saying, "But we like them." THAT'S FINE. Like them all you want. Our critique of them as movies has nothing to do with whether you liked them or not. No one's critiquing the fun you had watching them.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 2/10/2014 9:23p).]
Sex Panther
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you can't act like they don't exist and aren't part of the story. You may not like how the story was told but the themes and actions are authentic Star Wars

When did I say that? I fully accept them as part of the canon. I just said it's a shame because the originals are so good, and these were not. Just because the themes are authentic Star Wars doesn't mean I have to like them.

1st of all, I have never heard of this Crystal Skull thing you mention

You do realize this basically negates your argument you just laid out right?
Sex Panther
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Are you next going to tell me it's an embarrassment to enjoy one sport over another?

Of course not...

unless it's soccer
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