LMCane said:
Quinn said:
I can't decide if I think Daphne is in on it or not. Obviously she is much more clear eyed about her marriage than initially presented (with the reveal that one of her kids is the trainer's), but it seems like the money/investment was still the main reason for the trip, and this is a side conquest for Cameron.
I'm interested to see if there is any more to the Tanya - Rich gay guys story line. I don't think they're pulling a scheme on her, but I could be wrong. Might just be a way to stir up drama for Portia.
Who do y'all think ends up dead? I've been thinking Albie dies tragically for awhile, and still feel like he will get pushed off a cliff trying to defend Lucia's honor.
not a chance
Albie kills the "pimp" of Lucia who turns out not to even be a pimp.
book it.
I definitely think Lucia "invented" this "pimp" (probably just a friend) to try and make Albie worried and that his protective vibe would come out and he would provide her with all the money she needed to make the problems go away. She's making it seem like she doesn't want to charge him now, but with Cameron not paying her and now the introduction of this pimp as a threat, she's doing a great job of playing him. She described him as "innocent" to Mia earlier - she knows she can play him like a fiddle.
Now death wise in this whole situation - there could be several possibilities:
(1) Like you said, Albie kills the pimp trying to protect Lucia
(2) Michael Imperioli kills the pimp or Lucia to protect Albie from them
(3) Albie gets in too deep and somehow gets himself killed
Also, I can totally see Daphne killing Cameron or one of the other two. She mentioned earlier that if something goes wrong, you just do something else to make it better (ie - go **** your trainer). Then if you go back to the opening scene - her lines were something to the effect of - "You're going to Die - They are going to have to drag you out of here". I just think she is totally psycho and is capable of anything. So hot though. Definitely need a HOT CRAZY matrix for her.