In terms of live-action, they currently have...
- One movie in post-production (Superman), for release in 2025.
- One series currently shooting (Peacemaker season two), for release in 2025.
- One movie that shoots in January (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow), for release in 2026.
- One series that shoots in January (Lanterns), for release in 2026.
In other words, that's only two movies and two series over the next two years, which doesn't feel like much at all to me. Everything else they're currently developing will be for 2027 and beyond. In fact, I was just thinking how impressive it is that Gunn has stuck to his word so far, they really are taking their time to get things right, not rushing scripts, etc. Never mind the fact that they have crazy impressive talent behind the scenes on all of these projects. IMO, the DCU could not be in better hands, and this feels like the exact right pace to (re)launch the franchise.