it seems somehwat disrespectful and inappropriate for this discussion to be coming to this.
It's telling that the only people saying this were in junior high or earlier when it happened.
We're discussing the issue - a minor one at that. I don't see why such a thing should be off limits simply because it's part of a much larger event. That doesn't take anything away from the greater meaning. You can discuss with someone how many boats landed during D-Day. That doesn't mean at all that you're saying anything inappropriate about the meaning of the event. I don't really understand why the younger guys here think it does. Is there a stigma now that '99 can't be talked about or something?
Toddy - no, we were watching a movie and planning on joining the dorm when it finished. (I know, everyone says something like this.) Found out from Keegan99, then my roomate and I went out to what we thought would be a rebuilding effort. Didn't even rush to get over there. It's surreal in retrospect, but there was an atmosphere of people going over there that we were in for a night of fun. Word hadn't made it to us yet about what actually happened.