Grode Yells

16,694 Views | 75 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by aeon-ag
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Robert Garza, RHA vice president of relations, defined "grode yells" as any yells that contain obscenities and are associated with cut and Aggie Bonfire.

So I guess "Build the HELL outta Bonfire!" is now discouraged?

-Will D., '92
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Why is someone who is in the post on-campus Bonfire era (and for all intents and purposes the post grode yell era) defining what is and isn't a grode yell?

That's about like me deciding that the class of 1996's gift isn't good enough.

I just starting to think through some grode yells, and Walton's doesn't have a single Bonfire reference in there. Glad that we can continue chanting that one on campus.
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Also, who's grode yell had "we rape women" in it?

As for the poor misguided soul who says that we shouldn't have free speech in public areas - feel free to go take POLS 206 and find out what your rights really are.

Either way, this is a stupid rule with absolutely no teeth. Just another resume padder.
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I'm glad RHA is there to throw support to already existing statutes.

"The resolution states that 'the RHA does not support and is not affiliated with any yell that contains any reference to any act of violence or discrimination.' "

Darn. I guess "Beat the hell..." loses its RHA-affliation status.
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Could someone PLEASE tell me why RHA (and the admin I guess) has such a stick up it's @ss?! Honestly...old army's goin to hell and it's pissing me off quite frankly.
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I dunno...but Bonfire has always been an issue for them. Last year (or semester) they ruled that they wouldn't support offcampus Bonfire. How would the university let an RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION support Bonfire while the university ITSELF was against it?!?!?
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Sounds like complete and utter bull**** to me. I can't recall a single "grode" yell that had "we do drugs" or "we rape women" in it. Seems more like sensationalism being used to push forward some PC crud that does nothing more than get some little political wannbes into the Batt so they can pat themselves on the back a bit for helping to further "clean up" the A&M community of what remnants of its Ol' Army past still linger.

What the hell, let's all go and have "Viking Night" at Sbisa in protest of this idiotic cr@p.

[This message has been edited by oldyeller (edited 10/16/2003 4:58p).]
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I overheard some people saying that they, and I quote, " drugs and rape women." I'm pretty sure that the people saying this were members of RHA and so it is my contention that I no longer support rha and I recommend that the University remove the current rha members from the association. I know for a fact that the people saying these things were not performing grode yells because by definition, grode yells contain a reference to Aggie Bonfire in them.

In other news, I can't even remember one Hart yell that mentioned Bonfire, not even the one we now know was wrongly titled (by definition) "Hart Super Grode Yell" (which I wrote by the way with the help of my roommate at the time, Tim, and the guy that lived across the hall, Cowboy Chris). The only one that comes close is "Last in, first out, by the way, where's lunch, fa call the rest of y'all."
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At All-U-Night, and occasionally at load site, Walton would chant "Rape, Pilage, and Burn!" That would usualy escalate to "Rape, Rape, and Rape!" The humor, while in incredibly poor taste, is obvious. So your feeling got hurt. Get over it, no one got raped. Good taste is highly overrated!
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Off Campus Hogs!
We drop logs!...Picnic baskets!...Chainsaws!
Rebels 'til lunch!
We'll f*@$ anything!...baaah....baaah!


[This message has been edited by oldyeller (edited 10/16/2003 5:30p).]
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nsgreek06, ol' army has been going to hell since the late 90's. That's the 1890s. Things change, and you have to deal with it. Everytime something changes, everyone says that ol' army is going to hell. It has always been going to hell and it apparently always will be. I don't think your life will be substantially worse if you can't do your grode yell at Fish Pond after a football game when there are several thousand guests on campus.

In '97 the Batt sent a reporter out to swamp (unload for those of you who were still in high school or jr. high) who did a 4-page spread on the vulgarity on folks' pots. There were some things written on pots that would make a sailor blush. Was it ever an issue before? No. But they brought it to light so it had to be changed, and it was. And Bonfire went on that year without being irreparably damaged. Some of the grode yells that they had back then were just as bad, and the worst ones I ever heard were from Neely and Hobby.

I doubt anybody has a yell that specifically says 'we rape women' or 'we do drugs', but if grode yells, or dorm yells, or whatever they are called now are anything like how they were a few years ago, then you can't be that surprised that RHA is going to condemn them. I probably would have been up in arms a few years ago, but if a group is doing their grode yell in a public place surrounded by parents and alumni, then what do you expect is going to happen? Somebody will complain, and I don't blame them. You've got many parents who aren't Aggies and don't know what Bonfire was, you've got alumni who know that Bonfire as they once knew it was gone forever, and those two groups of people probably don't want to hear Neely (or Hobby) girls say "Take me out to the ballgame, and F*#% me", or whatever it was that their yell said. They don't want to hear Walton yell "Rape, pillage & burn", because they don't know it's all in fun.

I might have thought differently about this a few years ago, but be realistic. Times have changed, and with Bonfire gone, things that you may hold sacred like grode yells aren't going to be accepted like they once may have been.

[This message has been edited by HTown99 (edited 10/16/2003 5:46p).]
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Ok, I understand the whole PC thing having to do w/ grode yells. If I didn't know that they were in good fun and weren't really going to rape me, sure I'd be uncomfortable and would want it changed. I respect someone saying that...

I just think it's really sad to have A&M change to be just like every other dang university out there. It's our tradition that sets us apart. It's not obscenities in grode yells so much as all the aggie's sad when junior doesn't even know his own wildcat, for instance. And apparently pushing in any rha building is not allowed any more...

Neeley has 3 e's
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what fish camp were you in?
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That has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Why don't they also pass a resolution supporting the law that says you can't yell "fire" in a theater? I propose a resolution that everyone follow the Constitution. Are they going to pass a resolution that supports the obedience of traffic signals and speed limits, too? I wish these morons could do something productive in their "leadership" positions. I propose that all dorms get together and have grode yell right outside Garza's room.

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Redass - as a fish I was in Session E Aqua Zarate and I was a counselor in Session A Blue Camp Piper (GET HYPE...sorry...I can't resist)...why?
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The Batt is a stupid newspaper. That's all I have to say.
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We could always count on you for your insightful opinion Hump.

What are you doing for the game tomorrow?
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Northside close knit. Southside eat ****.

*WillD: Please substitue Centralside (whatever that is) for Southside.
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The Batt never was a friend of Bonfire.

northsidegreek06, isn't your handle an oxymoron?
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Hey Paul, Tom Green's still mad you took his nut.
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Yeah, the "take me out to the ballgame" part, thats Neeley hall, ALL THE WAY! Redass class of 05 WHOOP!

People, I think that resolution was a piece of crap, and an unnecessary waste of everyone's time. Everyone already knows that Moses's Heathen yell is "obscene" to say the least, and that it will piss people off. We also all know that if we're offended by something we can call UPD, and let them laugh at us when we tell them what we are so "upset" about....bunch of pu**ies! RHA doesn't need to reiterate that. Anyway, I disagree with the whole thing really wish this never took place(the resolution).

In closing, I think that anyone living on campus that is a redass Ag (that's pretty much northside)knows their right because they have to! If not, they wouldn't be living there anymore, the admin would have kicked them off by now for some "disruption" or another. so, let's all chill and just let RHA think they have control, we know the truth.

Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2005 WHOOP!
Fightin' Texas Aggie M.J. Neeley Hall WHOOP!

[This message has been edited by Knockout05 (edited 10/17/2003 7:29p).]

[This message has been edited by Knockout05 (edited 10/17/2003 7:30p).]
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Ok to clarify some things. After a midnight yell some random people that happened to live in the same dorm that started with an M and ended with an oses gathered at fish pond and did a yell called the heathens yell, not our grode yell! The yell goes, "We are heathens, we are thugs, we rape women, we do drugs!" Maybe a little offensive, but the president of McInnis hall felt it was really really offensive and decided to write emails to a few administrators. No one got in trouble for it but caused RHA to act like they could do something about it.

Their "resolution" doesnt really say much about grode yells. It just says that they support people who get offended by people yelling something to tell on them. Thats it nothing more nothing less.
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You offend me!

I'm sure glad RHA has my back.
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Let me get this, you weren't really going to rape women and do drugs in front of thousands of people? Thanks to the Neeley girls I can't look at baseball the same way...

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I tried for three years to take those Neeley girls up on their request. Never worked...
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you obviously didn't try hard enough...did you ever actually try taking any of us out to a ballgame? or taking any of us out AT ALL!!! hehe. have a super day, and BTHOB! WHOOP!

Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2005 WHOOP!
Fightin' Texas Aggie M.J. Neeley Hall WHOOP!
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Actually, I can think of at least two instances of accompanying lasses from Neeley Hall to various ball games. If said grode yell only referes to baseball games (as could be inferred by the tune referenced in the aforementioned grode yell), then sadly that number slips to one. The result is the same however.
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Sorry bud! Not my fault! hehehe. i can't control the girls and make them just give it up to you. i hope you have better luck in the future!

Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2005 WHOOP!
Fightin' Texas Aggie M.J. Neeley Hall WHOOP!
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so, knockout... wanna go to a baseball game?
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cock, no one wants to go to a baseball game w/ you...except your momma. had fun cuttin w/ you yesterday!
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Gee, I coulda sworn you've never lived in Neeley, so I don't think I was talking to you :P

*cough* This axe is too big. This hatchet is too small. But this one is juuust right. *grin*
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Yeah, I would go with you if I weren't already being "taken to the ballgame" by someone else. OR if you could get any of your crocker cockheads out to a game!!! HAHA, just kidding sexy, you know I love ya! I had fun cuttin' with you this weekend too! And by the way, No axe is too big! WHOOP!

Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2005 WHOOP!
Fightin' Texas Aggie M.J. Neeley Hall WHOOP!
P.H. Dexippus
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your name doesn't happen to begin with an "M" and end in a "y", does it? I spent most of last weekend in the area of the Neeley woods, and that yell still makes me blush. By the way, does this game have to be the World Series, or will Aggie baseball suffice?
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Nope, Knockout is another one of our girls. Glad you enjoyed your time beside Neeley. Stop by and introduce yourself to all of us next weekend. That gives you (or anyone for that matter) a better chance of getting us to a ballgame.

World Series?! Who needs that when Aggie Baseball is just around the corner here in Aggieland!?

[This message has been edited by Neeley05 (edited 10/20/2003 3:57p).]
P.H. Dexippus
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Ah, she's Knockout...that figures. This is M&M. I missed this weekend 'cause I had a family obligation out of state. Crappy timing, for many reasons. See yall at 2:00. Apologies for the name dropping.

[This message has been edited by Mr. (edited 10/20/2003 4:44p).]
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