'93 Lechner Hall - made every cut but 2 and both double cuts. Loaded every time. Headlight load was one of my fondest memories from college. Got strep from the water cans, but oh well. We got Perimeter Pole. Kept the Pooyahs from taking it. Fondest memory of that day was Cindy Ericson scooting up the greased pole to the top (still a Nerd at that time). WOW! Didn't stack that year due to tests. Some of my buddies should have followed suit b/c they weren't there 2nd semester.

'94 - moved to Cain Hall. Didn't cut but I participated in pi$$head wrap (OUCH), and jumped on the swings during REBUILD THE HELL, and dubbed myself "12th Man Cain Hall Crew Chief" b/c me and a bunch of old Nerds convinced some of the football players to join us at stack, and they swamped some BIG logs for a couple hours. Great memories.