A bit of a late start on posting these updates. The Gallery's server was hacked and completely wiped at the end of July. A complete rebuild was only squared away after Cut began. All 14K images of Bonfires going back to 2010 are back. But first, on to 2023...

Burn Night II
Latest Live "Cull & Good Bull" Session
Latest "Perimeter Fires" Podcast Episode
Episode 10: Sage Sale '18
Latest "Monday Moti"
Monday Moti - 12/04/2023 - Watermelon Molasses and Good Friends
The "Perimeter Fires" podcast has moved to Spotify and Apple Podcasts, with new Bonfire-motivated conversations with people in and around Bonfire, past and present, released weekly. "Monday Moti" is a new Monday feature to the podcast. And every week, "Cull & Good Bull" is a YouTube live photo review session of the stories and scenes of the latest Bonfire events.

Burn Night II
- Chief Cut
- Cut Class
- First Cut
- Cut II, Pt. 1 (Stack Prep)
- Cut II, Pt. 2
- Cut III
- Cut IIII
- Family Cut
- Cut VI, Pt. 1
- Cut VI, Pt. 2
- Dress Log Cut
- Centerpole Unload
- Centerpole Raising
- Red/Brown/Green Stack
- Chief Stack
- First Stack
- Stack II
- Stack III
- Stack IIII
- Stack V
- Stack VI
- Stack VII
- Memorial Shift
- Stack VIII
- Last Shift
- Burn Prep
- Burn Night I
- Burn Night II
Latest Live "Cull & Good Bull" Session
Latest "Perimeter Fires" Podcast Episode
Episode 10: Sage Sale '18
Latest "Monday Moti"
Monday Moti - 12/04/2023 - Watermelon Molasses and Good Friends
The "Perimeter Fires" podcast has moved to Spotify and Apple Podcasts, with new Bonfire-motivated conversations with people in and around Bonfire, past and present, released weekly. "Monday Moti" is a new Monday feature to the podcast. And every week, "Cull & Good Bull" is a YouTube live photo review session of the stories and scenes of the latest Bonfire events.