In 2024, Bonfire continues as it began in 1907 and always has been - built and led by students.

Stack VII
Latest Live "Cull & Good Bull" Session
Latest "Perimeter Fires" Podcast Episode
Frank Cox '65, Pt. 1 - "I Bleed Maroon"
Latest "Monday Moti"
Monday Moti - 11/11/2024 - Raised Medians
Find the "Perimeter Fires" podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, with new Bonfire-motivated conversations with people in and around Bonfire, past and present. "Monday Moti" is a Monday(ish) feature to the podcast. "Cull & Good Bull" is a YouTube live photo review session of the stories and scenes of the latest Bonfire events before photos are posted.

Stack VII
- 12 Fires
- Chief Cut
- Cut Class
- First Cut, Pt. 1
- First Cut, Pt. 2
- Cut II
- Cut III, Pt. 1
- Cut III, Pt. 2
- Cut IIII
- Cut V
- Family Cut
- Cut VII
- Cut VIII
- Dress Log Cut
- Centerpole Unload
- Perimeter Poles
- Centerpole Raising
- Windle Sticks
- Red/Brown/Green Stack
- Chief Stack
- First Stack
- Stack II
- Stack III
- Stack IIII
- Stack V
- Memorial Shift
- Stack VI
- Stack VII
Latest Live "Cull & Good Bull" Session
Latest "Perimeter Fires" Podcast Episode
Frank Cox '65, Pt. 1 - "I Bleed Maroon"
Latest "Monday Moti"
Monday Moti - 11/11/2024 - Raised Medians
Find the "Perimeter Fires" podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, with new Bonfire-motivated conversations with people in and around Bonfire, past and present. "Monday Moti" is a Monday(ish) feature to the podcast. "Cull & Good Bull" is a YouTube live photo review session of the stories and scenes of the latest Bonfire events before photos are posted.