Everything we are seeing happen right now has been prophesied in Scripture

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Dog-Faced Pony Soldier said:

boboguitar said:

If the rapture happens, what happens to the R&P board?

You guys will still be here, spending hours each day arguing against a God you don't believe exists.
All I know is F16 wouldn't lose a single regular.
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One of the best sermons I've heard regarding the section of the Olivet Discourse the OP mentioned.

Warming: Jeff Durbin is a Calvinist, but that shouldn't come into play here lol.

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Every generation thinks they invented sex, revolution and the end times

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Wuhan Virology Lab said:

liberalag12 said:

True. And I truly think Trump is the Anti-Christ.

Antichrist will be embraced, revered, and worshipped by the masses. I don't think DJT fits that characteristic.
Not exactly true as antichrist will face large armies that will want to destroy him
But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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Watch the last 3 minutes to summarize the sermon:

Lawlessness is bad
Obey the laws of your community
Be a good citizen
Stay out of trouble and the police will respect you

Picture Of video is very misleading, MacArthur is as conservative as it comes.

Really a good sermon that gets better 15 minutes into it.
But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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From my reading on forum.culteducation.com, it sounds like a lot of folks worship Macarthur instead of the Lord. It seems like he has set up his own brand of Christianity which seems different than mainstream orthodox theology.
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dermdoc said:

From my reading on forum.culteducation.com, it sounds like a lot of folks worship Macarthur instead of the Lord. It seems like he has set up his own brand of Christianity which seems different than mainstream orthodox theology.
I think he offends folks because he preaches directly from scripture and doesn't mince words.
You are accountable for your own sins and that is what you will be judged for not the sins of your father. To imply Folks worship JM is laughable.

He also thinks C19 is nothing more than the flu which a lot of people believe.

....one of my favorites on the victim generation we currently are living.

Starts off slow but one of his better messages.

But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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He does not offend me. Did you go to the link I provided?
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dermdoc said:

He does not offend me. Did you go to the link I provided?
I have read some of the comments and agree somewhat with some of them.

I love his sermons, I don't necessary agree with everything he says. He teaches strictly scripture and some of his interpretations can be argued.....but he is a powerful speaker and his knowledge of the Bible is without question.
His ego can be a distraction but that is his sin or one of em and I over look it.

Powerful speaker, powerful message.

Claims you should fear God as you will be judged if you are not repenting from your sin which basically pisses off everybody.

One line I remember he said that Adam was not deceived by Satan, Eve was. But Adam loved Eve and didn't want to live without her, he knew what he was doing. Makes sense to me...as I love my wife and followed her when I knew she was wrong.

Who has faith the size of a muster seed, who can move a mountain...nobody....yet God loves us even when our faith is so little.

Hate your sin as much as God does..strive to enter heaven by the narrow door.

I listen to JM every night and on weekends go listen to Max Lacado when he preaches...two different styles yet I get a blessing from both.

But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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I like Max.
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The Shank Ag
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While i believe fully in analyzing scriptures and seeing what was prophesied, I do think it is quite humorous when centralized chaos and problems in the United States are pointed as as "the signs".

Why the US is a primarily Christian nation (and I use primarily loosely as I doubt 50% of the population still considers themselves as such), it is less than a quarter of the worlds population of Christians. While we have an amazing country and freedom to practice the teachings Christ taught us, we are not the end all be all of this planet and of the Christian World.
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The Shank Ag said:

While i believe fully in analyzing scriptures and seeing what was prophesied, I do think it is quite humorous when centralized chaos and problems in the United States are pointed as as "the signs".

Why the US is a primarily Christian nation (and I use primarily loosely as I doubt 50% of the population still considers themselves as such), it is less than a quarter of the worlds population of Christians. While we have an amazing country and freedom to practice the teachings Christ taught us, we are not the end all be all of this planet and of the Christian World.
Yeah, and it seems like the only things that spawn this type of end-times prophesying are things that are unsettling to the established power structure. Sin that was committed by the established power structure, especially if it resulted in prosperity, gets chalked up as "divine providence". But anything that pushes back, whether the inability to fire people for being gay or trans, or the fight against systemic racism, are signs of the apocalypse.
The Hefty Lefty
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Fig Tree Prophecy was fulfilled May 14, 1948 and that's the catalyst for ends times (culmination of the church age and the restoration of the Jewish people). The world has been in chaos for a long time, but never before has an ethnoreligious people group been eradicated from their land, their country completely dissolved, and said people group displaced globally....only to be reborn as the same sovereign nation at the same geographic location, maintaining the same ancestral heritage and religious affiliation. That's the generation that will not pass away without fulfillment of eschatological prophecies. The clock is ticking.......
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OPAG said:

This could be an extremely long post. I could post hundreds of biblical passages that foretell what is happening in our nation and actually around the world at this time. I will not do that. I am only going to use one passage from Matt 24.

Matt 24:3-14

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"

4 And Jesus answered and said to them:
1.) "Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.

2,) 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

3.) 7 For nation -- (ethos- ethnic group, tribe or race based culture) will rise against nation -- (ethos- ethnic group, tribe or race based culture) , and kingdom -- (basileia = realm or government, king or prince -- could be both spiritual or secluar, root word is baselious a sovereign nation) , against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

What is interesting to note here is the word Nation is actually 'ethnos', this is race or culture. Race will rise up against race, tribe verse tribe. Well we sure see that here in our country and actually around the world! The vast amount of conflicts are race, culture or tribal in nature. The Lord is not saying this is good thing, He is just stating what is going to happen!

The second note is Kingdom vs Kingdom, is the geopolitical government or realms or dominions and can be the Kingdom of God verse Satan and his Kingdom and can also be sovereign governmental nations, China vs US, etc!
We are clearly here, seeing both of these, right now in ways like never before in our history and surely our life time. So, let's look at the next scripture (vs 9 -14), the next phase, and this is where we are heading to quickly if DJT loses this election! For it's not really DJT the Antichrist Global "beast" hate, (the elites, Masons or Illuminati's or whatever you want to call them) , It's really those self righteous, hypocritical moral, Christians that represent the moral foundations of family, freedom of choice with reasonable rules pf law and order to have civil society! One that is not based on race or any specific people group, that they the cabal or beast or Satan really hate.

They want division and choas and hatred and discord and they really don't care what causes it, race, or sex preference, nationalism, anything to divide and create hatred, suspicion and discord and war!

9 "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
This is where we are heading, the question is WHEN!?

I truly believe that we are clearly in Isaiah 59 and that God has and desires to raise a standard against the enemies flood of wickedness and give us a season of peace and prosperity (Isaiah 60). However he clearly wanted the children of Israel to cross over and take the promise land as well (Numbers 13), AND THEY REFUSED TO BELIEVE AND OBEY and thus they died in the wilderness, feeling the wrath of God instead! We also see that even though Joshua and Caleb were obedient and believed God and did EVENTUALLY inherit their promise to enter, The received it only after 40 years of tromping around the desert with the disobedient and faithless ones!The point being the actions and decisions of people, and specifically God's people, does have a massive impact on what happens, regardless of the Lord's wants and desires to bless. We see Jesus COULD NOT do many miracles in his home town because of their unbelief! This had nothing to do with His ability to do miracles, even marveling at their unbelief! (Matt 13:58) Bottom line, it has everything to do with the truth, that we as a people have a vote in what does or does not happen to us concerning God and His desires to do good, to save us, to deliver us, and intervene. He simply will not force His grace, mercy or goodness upon us or anyone else!

We would do well to remember that Jesus himself in Matt 23 (just before this passage) had gone on an impassioned, pain filled rant against the Jews, HIs own people, because of their hard heart and corruption. Pronouncing 7 woes on them ending with this frustrated declaration and cry!

Matt 23:37-39

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, BUT YOU WERE NOT WILLING! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!'"

These were his last public words that He proclaimed and appropriately so, He said this in the same temple that He declared that there would "no stone left upon another" (which happened exactly as He said in 70 AD), immediately afterwards to His disciples (who were memorized with the physical beauty of the buildings) as He was leaving! In fact it was this impassioned statement that caused the disciples to approach and ask Him the above question, after He had cooled down and they were in a private place.

My point is, these are the proclamations and prophecies of Jesus Christ, they will and are happening.And If he allowed severe judgement to come on His own people because of their hardness of heart and rebellion. Why would we believe that He would not allow the same thing for us!? (Romans 9-11)

Persecution will happen for those of us who declare Jesus as Lord, The question is when? I belive we have an opportunity to gain a reprieve for a season. Will we take it? Will we God's people truly do 2 Chron, 7:14 and Daniel 9? Or will we seek to placate and appease, bowing to the pressures from the world and be silent seeking to be 'politically correct' in the name of peace!

As it did not work with Neville Chamberlain with Hitler, It will not work now. Yet the power to choose is in our hands. What are you going to do!

Everything we see today has resulted, in part, because of PRIVATE interpretation of Scripture itself and for a turning away from the Authority that Christ established as his Bride, Holy Mother Church.

When the Public and Private matters of men are separated you defy the Natural and Supernatural Laws written on every human heart and that were Divinely Revealed, respectively, by Her Authority as left to Her by Our Divine Master, Our Lord, Iesu Christi!

Vive Christus Rex!!

Long live Christ the King!!

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Since Trump is back in office, do you think we have been given a break on the end times or are they still full steam ahead?
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Aggie1205 said:

Since Trump is back in office, do you think we have been given a break on the end times or are they still full steam ahead?
IDK, but I'm gonna tap the breaks on a guy who re-tweets golden statues of himself.
That, sir, was the greatest post in the history of TexAgs. I salute you. -- Dough
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