Pope Francis expected to ask Bishop Strickland to retire

46,970 Views | 363 Replies | Last: 27 days ago by SoulSlaveAG2005
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PabloSerna said:

Chief - I have heard their "reflection" not "homily" - yes.

I don't have a problem with the permission granted to have this on Father's Day in a church that has a reputation for being active in these matters. They are very clear that their situation is different, radical inclusion, from other parishes. I think the part that resonated with me was that they tried for a very long time to "pray the gay away." Imagine that. They prayed and remained the same. It should be a reminder that even the Catechism states that the origins of homosexual orientation remain unexplained. There is so much we don't know.

Reflection or homily doesn't matter what you call it. The point is that it occurred in the middle of Mass where a homily is normally given. The fact you don't have a problem with it is the point. That is not Catholic.

As for prayer, God does not remove temptation because we pray for a very long time. We must control our desires, not make excuses for them. Cling to the truth as it always has been and quit trying to find out more of "what we don't know." That's literally how Adam and Eve fell from the Garden. We know enough to be held accountable for our decisions.
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ChiefHaus said:

As for prayer, God does not remove temptation because we pray for a very long time. We must control our desires, not make excuses for them. Cling to the truth as it always has been and quit trying to find out more of "what we don't know." That's literally how Adam and Eve fell from the Garden. We know enough to be held accountable for our decisions.

Good points.

Mark 8:34
And calling the multitude together with his disciples, he said to them: If any man will follow me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Our Blessed Lord calls us to self-denial and to pick up our own cross and follow Him. Yet, modern man refuses his own cross. In fact, he often tells our Blessed Lord to come down from His.
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This Sunday's gospel had me thinking... (Mt 20: 1-16a)

'Summon the laborers and give them their pay,
beginning with the last and ending with the first.'
When those who had started about five o'clock came,
each received the usual daily wage.
So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more,
but each of them also got the usual wage.
And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying,
'These last ones worked only one hour,
and you have made them equal to us,
who bore the day's burden and the heat.'
He said to one of them in reply,
'My friend, I am not cheating you.
Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Are you envious because I am generous?'
Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."


Trying to compare the commandment against adultery to one's sexual orientation is apples to oranges. However, I believe that some here would think it really is just a matter of self control. This way of thinking ignores something deeper and more profound (in my opinion).

Are we are missing the fact that these gay men had never felt at home in God's house given their sexual orientation? As they witnessed, they tried desperately to "pray the gay away" only to come to the understanding that this was who they are- homosexual persons. As has already been researched, there is no gay gene. In fact the "psychological genesis remains largely unexplained" (CCC 2357).

I bring up the gospel parable of the workers in the vineyard, because it sheds light on the broader mercy God has for all mankind. He sees beyond the limits of time, circumstance, and, I would add, sexual orientation; God sees how things should have been all along had original sin not entered the world. So when it came to paying the workers he paid them what should have been (a daily wage) instead of what they did (an hour). Leave it to God to make whole what was lacking before.

It would seem that self mastery, is the only way. Gay persons wishing to live in a committed relationship as these two men have, raise adopted children, live productive lives, and seek to worship God in church - is like cheating! Not allowed.

I believe it is because we have lumped a person's sexual orientation in with other dishonorable passions (adultery, prostitution, rape, etc.) all of which have a complementary virtue to each vice. Chastity is the virtue the Church promotes as the way for people who are homosexual. Imagine loving someone exclusively but are unable to physically act on this feeling, this passion. St. Paul writes (1 Cor 7:9) "But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." Only if you are heterosexual it would seem.

As I read and contemplate this condition (homosexual), I don't feel the same as some here do about the best way being only self mastery through the virtue of chastity. I believe it is that and more. For heterosexual persons called to the vocation of marriage- the path is straight forward, all spelled out. Full sacramental life in the church and holy matrimony. For homosexual persons called to an exclusive loving and committed relationship? Only path is to practice self control and seek Christian perfection through the virtues -alone.

What we are telling gay people is that the way they choose to love each other is sinful. I wonder sometimes if men marrying a woman instead of "burning with passion" is any better?

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PabloSerna said:

This Sunday's gospel had me thinking... (Mt 20: 1-16a)

'Summon the laborers and give them their pay,
beginning with the last and ending with the first.'
When those who had started about five o'clock came,
each received the usual daily wage.
So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more,
but each of them also got the usual wage.
And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying,
'These last ones worked only one hour,
and you have made them equal to us,
who bore the day's burden and the heat.'
He said to one of them in reply,
'My friend, I am not cheating you.
Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Are you envious because I am generous?'
Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."


Trying to compare the commandment against adultery to one's sexual orientation is apples to oranges. However, I believe that some here would think it really is just a matter of self control. This way of thinking ignores something deeper and more profound (in my opinion).your opinion is wrong.

Are we are missing the fact that these gay men had never felt at home in God's house given their sexual orientation? As they witnessed, they tried desperately to "pray the gay away" only to come to the understanding that this was who they are- homosexual persons. They are persons. Subject to temptations as all of us are. To make that temptation part of their identity is a disservice to their dignityAs has already been researched, there is no gay gene. In fact the "psychological genesis remains largely unexplained" (CCC 2357).

I bring up the gospel parable of the workers in the vineyard, because it sheds light on the broader mercy God has for all mankind. He sees beyond the limits of time, circumstance, and, I would add, sexual orientation; God sees how things should have been all along had original sin not entered the world. So when it came to paying the workers he paid them what should have been (a daily wage) instead of what they did (an hour). Leave it to God to make whole what was lacking before.

It would seem that self mastery, is the only way. as it is for all of us Gay persons wishing to live in a committed relationship as these two men have, raise adopted children,children that deserve a mother and a father, not two dads live productive lives, and seek to worship God in church - is like cheating! Not allowed.

I believe it is because we have lumped a person's sexual orientation in with other dishonorable passions (adultery, prostitution, rape, etc.) so it's treated like any other proclivity to sinall of which have a complementary virtue to each vice. Chastity is the virtue the Church promotes as the way for people who are homosexual. it promotes this for all people. I have a wife, I am called to chastity just as much as a person suffering from a disordered same sex attraction Imagine loving someone exclusivelywhy is this love exclusive. What is it ordered to? It certainly isn't ordered to procreation. And don't give me this "procreative and unitive" nonsense where you twist the words of JPII and attempt to separate what is inseparable by creating out of whole cloth some solely unitive corruption of intercourse but are unable to physically act on this feeling, this passion. St. Paul writes (1 Cor 7:9) "But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." Only if you are heterosexual it would seem.

As I read and contemplate this condition (homosexual), I don't feel the same as some here do about the best way being only self mastery through the virtue of chastity.These "some " you don't feel the same as are citing millennia of magisterium that you ignore I believe it is that and more. For heterosexual persons called to the vocation of marriage- the path is straight forward, all spelled out. Full sacramental life in the church and holy matrimony. For homosexual persons called to an exclusive loving and committed relationship? Only path is to practice self control and seek Christian perfection through the virtues -alone.Not alone. Just not with a partner that is a constant near occasion of sin

What we are telling gay people is that the way they choose to love each other is sinful.we tell them that because it is the truth, if their relationship involves a sexual component I wonder sometimes if men marrying a woman instead of "burning with passion" is any better?It is better. Infinitely better. It is one of the two vocations we are called to. The lesser of the two, but one of the only two

Dies Irae
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This is where the dissonance is: you start with the supposition that there is nothing really wrong with sodomy. If there were something wrong with sodomy, it wouldn't matter what sort of "calling" people felt to it, it would be labeled "temptation" no?

Imagine if after 2,000 years of teaching on monogamy and chastity, a person claimed that the church had never really felt like home for a person with adulterous desires, and that more needed to be done to make those who have martial affairs feel more comfortable living out their calling. We would laugh at them and say "adultery is evil and cannot be sanctioned by the church" the same is true with sodomy. If you feel a "calling" to something objectively sinful, it isn't a calling it's just plain old temptation.

As I've said before and I'll say it again, you are starting with the position of "it can't be like this" and trying to fit the church into your position; that's Church of Pablo, that's not the Catholic Church.

You act like the present time is the first time the church has considered the topic of human sexuality, and that there has been some sort of defect in its teaching, because it doesn't align with your gut-feeling.

You yourself have agreed that homosexual activity is sinful, you have to understand the concept of near occasion of sin, given that how can your response be anything than "take up your cross and follow him" instead of "we might be able to get you guys blessed as roommates that kiss after the blessing somehow"
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PabloSerna said:

This Sunday's gospel had me thinking... (Mt 20: 1-16a)

'Summon the laborers and give them their pay,
beginning with the last and ending with the first.'
When those who had started about five o'clock came,
each received the usual daily wage.
So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more,
but each of them also got the usual wage.
And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying,
'These last ones worked only one hour,
and you have made them equal to us,
who bore the day's burden and the heat.'
He said to one of them in reply,
'My friend, I am not cheating you.
Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Are you envious because I am generous?'
Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."


Trying to compare the commandment against adultery to one's sexual orientation is apples to oranges. However, I believe that some here would think it really is just a matter of self control. This way of thinking ignores something deeper and more profound (in my opinion).

Are we are missing the fact that these gay men had never felt at home in God's house given their sexual orientation? As they witnessed, they tried desperately to "pray the gay away" only to come to the understanding that this was who they are- homosexual persons. As has already been researched, there is no gay gene. In fact the "psychological genesis remains largely unexplained" (CCC 2357).

I bring up the gospel parable of the workers in the vineyard, because it sheds light on the broader mercy God has for all mankind. He sees beyond the limits of time, circumstance, and, I would add, sexual orientation; God sees how things should have been all along had original sin not entered the world. So when it came to paying the workers he paid them what should have been (a daily wage) instead of what they did (an hour). Leave it to God to make whole what was lacking before.

It would seem that self mastery, is the only way. Gay persons wishing to live in a committed relationship as these two men have, raise adopted children, live productive lives, and seek to worship God in church - is like cheating! Not allowed.

I believe it is because we have lumped a person's sexual orientation in with other dishonorable passions (adultery, prostitution, rape, etc.) all of which have a complementary virtue to each vice. Chastity is the virtue the Church promotes as the way for people who are homosexual. Imagine loving someone exclusively but are unable to physically act on this feeling, this passion. St. Paul writes (1 Cor 7:9) "But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." Only if you are heterosexual it would seem.

As I read and contemplate this condition (homosexual), I don't feel the same as some here do about the best way being only self mastery through the virtue of chastity. I believe it is that and more. For heterosexual persons called to the vocation of marriage- the path is straight forward, all spelled out. Full sacramental life in the church and holy matrimony. For homosexual persons called to an exclusive loving and committed relationship? Only path is to practice self control and seek Christian perfection through the virtues -alone.

What we are telling gay people is that the way they choose to love each other is sinful. I wonder sometimes if men marrying a woman instead of "burning with passion" is any better?

This bears repeating.
Contraception, self abuse, adultery, fornication, and homosexual acts fail to be virtuous for the same basic reason... that they offend against the ends of marriage. No parsing of words changes this. No so-called new learning changes this. Pushing for something else is a deviation from the moral teachings of Holy Church and is moral heresy.

Much of the protestations against the Church's moral theology sounds like "but it isn't fair." Probably isn't, but life isn't fair. The circumstances we've been dealt do not change the call to holiness and the call to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him. And I concede that SSA and gender dysphoria are tremendous crosses to bear. And at the same time a tremendous opportunity for sanctity. Yet most often it's a missed opportunity.

All this rhetoric around the synod on the various topics follows this same pattern. People and prelates clamoring for Holy Mother Church to ratify their favorite sins. Churchmen entertaining said ideas in the name of listening. Yet the Church is Mater et Magistra. So She must be Mother and Teacher. The teachings will not change. Anything that may come from Rome that contradicts said teachings is heretical and schismatic.

Our Lady of Fatima warned: "More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason." It's time that we repent, deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him.
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"They are persons. Subject to temptations as all of us are. To make that temptation part of their identity is a disservice to their dignity"


What is your explanation of homosexual persons? Just so we can start off with a basis.
Bob Lee
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PabloSerna said:

"They are persons. Subject to temptations as all of us are. To make that temptation part of their identity is a disservice to their dignity"


What is your explanation of homosexual persons? Just so we can start off with a basis.

You're unwittingly making an argument that's atrocious I think, and I've seen you do this before. That homosexuals are different IN KIND from heterosexuals.

My explanation of homosexual persons is that they're human persons, subject to God's law in no uncertain terms, in exactly the same way as all human persons who are made in His image.
The Banned
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PabloSerna said:

"They are persons. Subject to temptations as all of us are. To make that temptation part of their identity is a disservice to their dignity"


What is your explanation of homosexual persons? Just so we can start off with a basis.

To rephrase him: they are persons who have homosexual desires. They are not homosexual persons. Their desires are not a part of their identity. No different than people are not "alcoholic persons" "rage-ful persons" "gluttonous persons"etc. That is a a significant difference
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Can you two be more specific? Are these desires purely a matter of will or something else? Physiological? Biology/Genetics? Just want to understand your basis.
Bob Lee
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PabloSerna said:

Can you two be more specific? Are these desires purely a matter of will or something else? Physiological? Biology/Genetics? Just want to understand your basis.

My position is this: That humans beget other humans only. That any biological or physiological differences are accidental, but not substantive. Therefore the answer is of no consequence. Homosexuals aren't different kinds of creatures who are bound by a standard that's appropriate to homosexuals, but not heterosexuals or vice versa. Our desire doesn't diminish our culpability. Sex is not deterministic behavior.

And by the way, the kind of physiological differences you'd expect to see if homosexuals were ordered toward some other end would be either that they could procreate with other homosexuals of their same sex, or else they could not procreate at all. If either of these were true, your line of reasoning would be compelling.
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747Ag said:

PabloSerna said:

This Sunday's gospel had me thinking... (Mt 20: 1-16a)

'Summon the laborers and give them their pay,
beginning with the last and ending with the first.'
When those who had started about five o'clock came,
each received the usual daily wage.
So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more,
but each of them also got the usual wage.
And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying,
'These last ones worked only one hour,
and you have made them equal to us,
who bore the day's burden and the heat.'
He said to one of them in reply,
'My friend, I am not cheating you.
Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Are you envious because I am generous?'
Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."


Trying to compare the commandment against adultery to one's sexual orientation is apples to oranges. However, I believe that some here would think it really is just a matter of self control. This way of thinking ignores something deeper and more profound (in my opinion).

Are we are missing the fact that these gay men had never felt at home in God's house given their sexual orientation? As they witnessed, they tried desperately to "pray the gay away" only to come to the understanding that this was who they are- homosexual persons. As has already been researched, there is no gay gene. In fact the "psychological genesis remains largely unexplained" (CCC 2357).

I bring up the gospel parable of the workers in the vineyard, because it sheds light on the broader mercy God has for all mankind. He sees beyond the limits of time, circumstance, and, I would add, sexual orientation; God sees how things should have been all along had original sin not entered the world. So when it came to paying the workers he paid them what should have been (a daily wage) instead of what they did (an hour). Leave it to God to make whole what was lacking before.

It would seem that self mastery, is the only way. Gay persons wishing to live in a committed relationship as these two men have, raise adopted children, live productive lives, and seek to worship God in church - is like cheating! Not allowed.

I believe it is because we have lumped a person's sexual orientation in with other dishonorable passions (adultery, prostitution, rape, etc.) all of which have a complementary virtue to each vice. Chastity is the virtue the Church promotes as the way for people who are homosexual. Imagine loving someone exclusively but are unable to physically act on this feeling, this passion. St. Paul writes (1 Cor 7:9) "But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." Only if you are heterosexual it would seem.

As I read and contemplate this condition (homosexual), I don't feel the same as some here do about the best way being only self mastery through the virtue of chastity. I believe it is that and more. For heterosexual persons called to the vocation of marriage- the path is straight forward, all spelled out. Full sacramental life in the church and holy matrimony. For homosexual persons called to an exclusive loving and committed relationship? Only path is to practice self control and seek Christian perfection through the virtues -alone.

What we are telling gay people is that the way they choose to love each other is sinful. I wonder sometimes if men marrying a woman instead of "burning with passion" is any better?

This bears repeating.
Contraception, self abuse, adultery, fornication, and homosexual acts fail to be virtuous for the same basic reason... that they offend against the ends of marriage. No parsing of words changes this. No so-called new learning changes this. Pushing for something else is a deviation from the moral teachings of Holy Church and is moral heresy.

Much of the protestations against the Church's moral theology sounds like "but it isn't fair." Probably isn't, but life isn't fair. The circumstances we've been dealt do not change the call to holiness and the call to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him. And I concede that SSA and gender dysphoria are tremendous crosses to bear. And at the same time a tremendous opportunity for sanctity. Yet most often it's a missed opportunity.

All this rhetoric around the synod on the various topics follows this same pattern. People and prelates clamoring for Holy Mother Church to ratify their favorite sins. Churchmen entertaining said ideas in the name of listening. Yet the Church is Mater et Magistra. So She must be Mother and Teacher. The teachings will not change. Anything that may come from Rome that contradicts said teachings is heretical and schismatic.

Our Lady of Fatima warned: "More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason." It's time that we repent, deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him.
While I completely agree that it is apparent in scripture that homosexuality is verboten, it is interesting that some of the same acts we consider homosexual 'acts' are also sinful among married heterosexual couples. So there are certainly sexual deviations hetero couples must resist
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BluHorseShu said:

747Ag said:

PabloSerna said:

This Sunday's gospel had me thinking... (Mt 20: 1-16a)

'Summon the laborers and give them their pay,
beginning with the last and ending with the first.'
When those who had started about five o'clock came,
each received the usual daily wage.
So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more,
but each of them also got the usual wage.
And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying,
'These last ones worked only one hour,
and you have made them equal to us,
who bore the day's burden and the heat.'
He said to one of them in reply,
'My friend, I am not cheating you.
Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Are you envious because I am generous?'
Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."


Trying to compare the commandment against adultery to one's sexual orientation is apples to oranges. However, I believe that some here would think it really is just a matter of self control. This way of thinking ignores something deeper and more profound (in my opinion).

Are we are missing the fact that these gay men had never felt at home in God's house given their sexual orientation? As they witnessed, they tried desperately to "pray the gay away" only to come to the understanding that this was who they are- homosexual persons. As has already been researched, there is no gay gene. In fact the "psychological genesis remains largely unexplained" (CCC 2357).

I bring up the gospel parable of the workers in the vineyard, because it sheds light on the broader mercy God has for all mankind. He sees beyond the limits of time, circumstance, and, I would add, sexual orientation; God sees how things should have been all along had original sin not entered the world. So when it came to paying the workers he paid them what should have been (a daily wage) instead of what they did (an hour). Leave it to God to make whole what was lacking before.

It would seem that self mastery, is the only way. Gay persons wishing to live in a committed relationship as these two men have, raise adopted children, live productive lives, and seek to worship God in church - is like cheating! Not allowed.

I believe it is because we have lumped a person's sexual orientation in with other dishonorable passions (adultery, prostitution, rape, etc.) all of which have a complementary virtue to each vice. Chastity is the virtue the Church promotes as the way for people who are homosexual. Imagine loving someone exclusively but are unable to physically act on this feeling, this passion. St. Paul writes (1 Cor 7:9) "But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." Only if you are heterosexual it would seem.

As I read and contemplate this condition (homosexual), I don't feel the same as some here do about the best way being only self mastery through the virtue of chastity. I believe it is that and more. For heterosexual persons called to the vocation of marriage- the path is straight forward, all spelled out. Full sacramental life in the church and holy matrimony. For homosexual persons called to an exclusive loving and committed relationship? Only path is to practice self control and seek Christian perfection through the virtues -alone.

What we are telling gay people is that the way they choose to love each other is sinful. I wonder sometimes if men marrying a woman instead of "burning with passion" is any better?

This bears repeating.
Contraception, self abuse, adultery, fornication, and homosexual acts fail to be virtuous for the same basic reason... that they offend against the ends of marriage. No parsing of words changes this. No so-called new learning changes this. Pushing for something else is a deviation from the moral teachings of Holy Church and is moral heresy.

Much of the protestations against the Church's moral theology sounds like "but it isn't fair." Probably isn't, but life isn't fair. The circumstances we've been dealt do not change the call to holiness and the call to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him. And I concede that SSA and gender dysphoria are tremendous crosses to bear. And at the same time a tremendous opportunity for sanctity. Yet most often it's a missed opportunity.

All this rhetoric around the synod on the various topics follows this same pattern. People and prelates clamoring for Holy Mother Church to ratify their favorite sins. Churchmen entertaining said ideas in the name of listening. Yet the Church is Mater et Magistra. So She must be Mother and Teacher. The teachings will not change. Anything that may come from Rome that contradicts said teachings is heretical and schismatic.

Our Lady of Fatima warned: "More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason." It's time that we repent, deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him.
While I completely agree that it is apparent in scripture that homosexuality is verboten, it is interesting that some of the same acts we consider homosexual 'acts' are also sinful among married heterosexual couples. So there are certainly sexual deviations hetero couples must resist
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"That any biological or physiological differences are accidental"

Is that what you want to go with? Because it would seem that there are no accidents when it comes to God. Also, lets drop the different creatures angle, you are the only one taking such position. I have already cited a study that there is no such "gay gene" - let's move on.


Do you think science can help our understanding? Because it seems to me that the scriptures are really talking about sexual violence and human exploitation.

It seems to me that we (heterosexual Christians) are tunnel visioned when it comes to meaningful, committed relationships - strictly opposite sexes only. How many sexual encounters would estimate King Solomon had over the course of his life? So that is good and two women committed to each other for 30+ years is evil?

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You do know that word has more than one meaning, right?
Bob Lee
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PabloSerna said:

"That any biological or physiological differences are accidental"

Is that what you want to go with? Because it would seem that there are no accidents when it comes to God. Also, lets drop the different creatures angle, you are the only one taking such position. I have already cited a study that there is no such "gay gene" - let's move on.

Accidental as opposed to essential differences. Meaning gay men are still just men and human. Whatever the reason is for their gayness holds no bearing on whether or not homosexual acts are in keeping with God's law.

Your argument always comes down to the appropriateness of certain acts in light of this accidental attribute, which is what implies a difference in kind (an essential difference) and not just an accidental difference. You'd never argue that God's law has different applications for red heads or people with freckles, or with one arm or something. Right?
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What do you believe? God creates accidentally or that he knew us while we were still in our mother's womb?
Bob Lee
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PabloSerna said:

What do you believe? God creates accidentally or that he knew us while we were still in our mother's womb?

Oy vey. That's not what that means in this context.
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Bob Lee said:

PabloSerna said:

"That any biological or physiological differences are accidental"

Is that what you want to go with? Because it would seem that there are no accidents when it comes to God. Also, lets drop the different creatures angle, you are the only one taking such position. I have already cited a study that there is no such "gay gene" - let's move on.

Accidental as opposed to essential differences. Meaning gay men are still just men and human. Whatever the reason is for their gayness holds no bearing on whether or not homosexual acts are in keeping with God's law.

Your argument always comes down to the appropriateness of certain acts in light of this accidental attribute, which is what implies a difference in kind (an essential difference) and not just an accidental difference. You'd never argue that God's law has different applications for red heads or people with freckles, or with one arm or something. Right?


Now you are starting to see my point, I would hope. First, let's clear up marriage. It can only be between one man and one woman. None of the Bishops, theologians, Fr. Martin, are calling for same sex marriage - because there is no such thing.

Second, what is being questioned is the nature of homosexuality. If you think we fully understand this- you are mistaken. Even the Church in the Catechism states this clearly. I am merely projecting from there. I understand the current teaching and I am talking to homosexual couples - it seems lacking.

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OK, so the metaphysical definition. I see. That may actually be a worse position because it would mean that our sexuality is insignificant, would you agree?
Bob Lee
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PabloSerna said:

"That any biological or physiological differences are accidental"

Is that what you want to go with? Because it would seem that there are no accidents when it comes to God. Also, lets drop the different creatures angle, you are the only one taking such position. I have already cited a study that there is no such "gay gene" - let's move on.


Do you think science can help our understanding? Because it seems to me that the scriptures are really talking about sexual violence and human exploitation.

It seems to me that we (heterosexual Christians) are tunnel visioned when it comes to meaningful, committed relationships - strictly opposite sexes only. How many sexual encounters would estimate King Solomon had over the course of his life? So that is good and two women committed to each other for 30+ years is evil?

The only place I've ever read the kind of things you're saying about the Bible only referencing sexual violence and human exploitation (and the line of thought around committed self giving love gay relationships not being present in the Bible), is from articles on James Martin's website. You need to consider the source. That stuff is written by people whose body of work is extremely problematic.

Why should we expect homosexual relationships in the Bible to be characterized as loving if in God's view they're disordered?
Bob Lee
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PabloSerna said:

OK, so the metaphysical definition. I see. That may actually be a worse position because it would mean that our sexuality is insignificant, would you agree?

Bob Lee
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PabloSerna said:

Bob Lee said:

PabloSerna said:

"That any biological or physiological differences are accidental"

Is that what you want to go with? Because it would seem that there are no accidents when it comes to God. Also, lets drop the different creatures angle, you are the only one taking such position. I have already cited a study that there is no such "gay gene" - let's move on.

Accidental as opposed to essential differences. Meaning gay men are still just men and human. Whatever the reason is for their gayness holds no bearing on whether or not homosexual acts are in keeping with God's law.

Your argument always comes down to the appropriateness of certain acts in light of this accidental attribute, which is what implies a difference in kind (an essential difference) and not just an accidental difference. You'd never argue that God's law has different applications for red heads or people with freckles, or with one arm or something. Right?


Now you are starting to see my point, I would hope. First, let's clear up marriage. It can only be between one man and one woman. None of the Bishops, theologians, Fr. Martin, are calling for same sex marriage - because there is no such thing.

Second, what is being questioned is the nature of homosexuality. If you think we fully understand this- you are mistaken. Even the Church in the Catechism states this clearly. I am merely projecting from there. I understand the current teaching and I am talking to homosexual couples - it seems lacking.

Let me try this way. Does it seem reasonable to you that, given everything is in proper working order, our reproductive systems are FOR reproduction? Why do gay people have reproductive systems that work in exactly the same way as non gay people? Can you make sense out of that?
The Banned
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PabloSerna said:

"That any biological or physiological differences are accidental"

Is that what you want to go with? Because it would seem that there are no accidents when it comes to God. Also, lets drop the different creatures angle, you are the only one taking such position. I have already cited a study that there is no such "gay gene" - let's move on.


Do you think science can help our understanding? Because it seems to me that the scriptures are really talking about sexual violence and human exploitation.

It seems to me that we (heterosexual Christians) are tunnel visioned when it comes to meaningful, committed relationships - strictly opposite sexes only. How many sexual encounters would estimate King Solomon had over the course of his life? So that is good and two women committed to each other for 30+ years is evil?

You are continuing to create two classes of Christians. Heterosexual Christians and homosexual Christians. Do you believe we have different standards, or are we one body?

Until you can understand that you are dividing Christians into different camps and holding them to correspondingly different standards, I'm not sure you can move forward.

Lastly, are you seriously referring to an OT king that was a known philanderer that ended his life in a tortured relationship with God as an example of Catholics calling his behavior "good"? That is incredibly off base. Go read up on his end of life story again. He is not, nor has he ever, been held as a beacon of moral behavior.
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The amusing irony here Pablo is a lay or third order Dominican (don't recall which) and that his attempt at distinctions a la Aristotelian metaphysics is a far cry from the Thomistic tradition. Essentially (pun intended), he is arguing not for a binary situation but rather a quadrature. Rather than defending "He created them male and female," Pablo's argumentation adds an additional essential condition of which sex they want to get sexy with. He's taking accidental traits and shifting them to essential.
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Y'all, get this straight - I have repeatedly said we are one body, one church. Period.

That said, while we share this inheritance, we are not unlike the early church in realizing that the call is for Jew and Gentile. Does that mean each is different - no. Emphatically.... NO. We are all children of God.

Early Church had synods to discuss dietary restrictions and their applicability to the Gentiles. Highly encourage you to read about it. Concessions were made.


Again - I point out that scripture as it is understood by some is more about sexual violence and exploitation. I maintain that the science is now coming along to support the understanding that not all people have the predominate heterosexual orientation. It can go back into history for support of long term, committed, loving relationships. What do we (RCC) say about reason and faith? They are complimentary. So, let's dig. That's where we are right now. Before, the stigma and shame prevented these persons from coming out.

In all cases, sexual violence, exploitation, pedophilia, and other forms of "sins of the flesh" have always been wrong for either orientation.


I find it interesting that when the Pharisee's try to trap Jesus with the question about a woman and her seven husbands - only for Our Lord to proclaim that there is no marriage in heaven - that marriage is the "way" for sanctity while on earth for heterosexual persons called into marriage. Clearly the fact that each can participate in the creation of new life with the blessing from God places this "way" at the center of civilization - the family.

However, we know that there are at least two other "ways" - the single life and the consecrated life. For my thinking, this is interesting because it still directed at heterosexual oriented persons.

What if, in the course of scientific/psychological development, it is understood that there is a basis for homosexual orientation in nature? So what "way" would these people have if not called to a single or consecrated life? Clearly they cannot procreate, so calling it marriage is to equate it with something different.

I don't know what that way is. I do know what love is. I have seen this love they have for each other and they are broken hearted that they cannot stand before God in the Roman Catholic Church any other way than just "friends".


Why the personal attacks? Tap out if what I am thinking out loud bothers you.
The Banned
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Watch this. This is a man who understands the church is right, regardless of his feelings. he didn't try to change the church. He embraced the church Jesus left us.
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I will check it out, thank you. However, to be perfectly clear, I'm not trying to change the church's teachings- just make them more available to all people.
The Banned
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PabloSerna said:

I will check it out, thank you. However, to be perfectly clear, I'm not trying to change the church's teachings- just make them more available to all people.

And this video will show how they are already available for all people.
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3 minutes in and he leads of with this...

2:14 "At the point I entered the seminary I was 18 years old pretty addicted to pornography, and um, sexual sin. And when I got into the seminary I started getting into more deviant behavior, acting out with gay prostitutes in Philadelphia living this duplicity life in the seminary."

For some reason I thought this was going to be about long term, committed same sex relationships.. Oh well..

Dies Irae
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PabloSerna said:

3 minutes in and he leads of with this...

2:14 "At the point I entered the seminary I was 18 years old pretty addicted to pornography, and um, sexual sin. And when I got into the seminary I started getting into more deviant behavior, acting out with gay prostitutes in Philadelphia living this duplicity life in the seminary."

For some reason I thought this was going to be about long term, committed same sex relationships.. Oh well..

Wait; why is one wrong and the other not wrong? Also what is a committed same sex relationship? If a person in a homosexual committed relationship fell in love with a woman and married them would that be adultery? Of course not, because homosexual committed relationships are meaningless, they mean nothing.

I want you to show your work on what leads you to believe so strongly that fornication is wrong, but sodomy isn't. We know what the church says is wrong, but for some reason "science is evolving" on one end but not on the other.
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The comment section is a complete echo chamber and astounding to say the least!
Dies Irae
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PabloSerna said:

The comment section is a complete echo chamber and astounding to say the least!

If you think that's an echo chamber, you should hear 2000 years of church teaching on human sexuality, minus two years of course.
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Wait there's more!

3:29 "(Host) So when did you first realize that you had same sex attraction? (Marco) Um, it was when I was a kid probably in early elementary school just knew I was somewhat different you know. Struggling with feelings for my guy friends and I didn't really know how to navigate that you know? And as the years progressed it became more like a concretized reality for me, at least it was a world view that was starting to develop. And it was reinforced in a way through my own pornographic stuff turning into gay pornography. It was sort of reinforcing in me this same sex attraction thing, you know."


So far, this guy was really into porn and then went gay porn when he had mixed feelings about his guy friends. At some point I am hoping he has a loving relationship so I can understand the connection. We all agree that there is sexual violence and exploitation that is sinful.
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"homosexual committed relationships are meaningless, they mean nothing."


At least you finally have put all your cards on the table. I believe that God sends people into our lives to relate an aspect of his glory.
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