GAC06 said:
PlaneCrashGuy said:
GAC06 said:
PlaneCrashGuy said:
Teslag said:
TASS isn't just media propaganda. It IS the Russian government.
And Uke shot down 99 planes in 1 day two weeks ago. Stop pretending its different.
Remember when you thought Russia had a top five economy? That was pretty funny.
You're allowed to use humor to cope.
Us laughing at you doesn't have much to do with coping. You swallowing and regurgitating blatant lies from Russian propaganda means you aren't the person to judge propaganda. Hell, you believing that Russia's economy surpassed Germany shows you're just not equipped for these discussions, no matter how nuanced you think your ludicrous takes are.
Maybe someone said something wrong (again, I don't speak for others) but Russia's economy is easily in the top 10 of the world in terms of Advanced economies/emerging market countries and rate of GDP growth, definitely it is not contracting as Germany has been witness to.

But, harrumph, I know this is not a popular figure, and it is probably just all building bombs or some such insanity.
The IMF I suppose is also a dark web sketchy website not properly vetted by Kiev.