Sid Farkas said:
So the enemy just learned they can attack an American air craft carrier if they disguise themselves as a shipping vessel….?
I think that clicking sound off in the distance is the sound of enemies updating spreadsheets.
Not really. You are forgetting the rules in wartime are different.
Yes, theoretically, there could be that `one shot' at the opening of a war, but it probably wouldn't be sunk or especially decisive. If with true leadership fearless to use power such as at present --- that would be the end of the entity responsible or the start of a general war. For dubious initial gain.
Once war is underway, the rules of approach become different.
Face it, there is no way to be hyper secure in global
peacetime. The very nature of peacetime is a greater risk acceptance for other intangibles over security.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."