Tom Fox said:
AggieHammer2000 said:
Ellis Wyatt said:
AggieHammer2000 said:
Tom Fox said:
He needs to focus tax cuts on those already paying the lion's share of fed income taxes. Not further reducing those that already paying less and creating even more taxpayers with very little or no skin in the game.
. Agree 100%!!!! Cut taxes to 0!!!!! Let the poors figure it out for themselves. Poor people are not my problem.
Stop this nonsense.We are combating waste and theft in the federal government and you're acting like we want to starve children. We need to starve the swamp first.
Then we absolutely should cut taxes on the people who pay taxes. Why would we give even more money to people who are getting money from the government every year? They have NO taxes to cut.
. Have you seen the latest tax plan? It doesn't cut taxes for people making less than $400K. It only cuts taxes for wealthy and to you that's a good thing?! Maybe instead of offering tax breaks to mega churches so the preachers can fly around on private jets and live $10MM mansions. Maybe we start there.
How much is enough? The top 1% already pay 41% of federal income taxes and only get 22% of the AGI.
The bottom 50% essential pay zero but get 11.5% of the AGI. And these are the people using most of the social services that you seem so concerned about.
I deployed multiple time to Iraq, was a LEO, and worked private security, and have only recently started making real money. I did my public service time. I took extreme risk to get where I am today. I am not ok with paying 30% of my money in fed income taxes when 2/3 goes to handout to support other people's individual family needs.
So how much is enough? Should the bottom 70% not pay net fed income taxes? 80%? 85%? Are the top earners going to have to pay it all?
This is not the system envisioned by the founders. This is socialism.
The return to capital has greatly increased since 1776. Oh, and human beings are no longer allowed to be capital, which is a huge improvement.
This will continue. As AI and robotics do more and more, the per capita GDP is going to grow, potentially exponentially.
Without some recognition that you have a select group of people that are going to be very high earners and a class of working people whose welfare won't change near as fast, it is only a matter of time before you have a revolt and it all gets burned down.
One way to combat that is to make sure that capital isn't collected by the uber talented or aristocratic rich, and the people that supply labor get their fair share of the stuff that is made by artificially lowering the return on capital. Maybe even to zero. That has not worked out so well in the past.
Another way to combat that is to make sure that labor is dumb, unambitious, and uninspired. That isn't working out real well in Europe right now. It's not the America way.
If you implement a flat tax, the top 1% will still wind up paying about 40% of AGI, it's just that the reason that this is so is because a lot more wealth is concentrated in the top 1% than it is now. And, as technology progresses, the upper middle class will not grow, it will shrink. The most talented people will work harder with even better tools, and it will be even more difficult to experience upward mobility, which is the key to the American dream.
One additional challenge with raw capitalism is that the people that own the capital get a lot more return out of public goods than the people that don't own the capital.
When Texas makes a huge 16 lane highway from the Tesla factory to the hill country, and reduce travel time to and from work for the thousands of people that work there, who do you think benefits the most? The individual worker, or Elon Musk? The correct answer is Elon Musk. With more infrastructure to support the economy, return to capital goes up even more, and return to labor goes down, as more people are willing to take lower wages and still live on their crystal clear hill country stream.
The only way that the system you are talking about works is if Elon Musk were the one to actually pay for the majority of the cost of that 16 lane road. That creates problems of its own, in that you are well on your way down the road to Fascism. When corporations control the investment of infrastructure, bad things tend to happen.
To answer your question directly, which country has a more progressive tax structure than the US? The US in the 1960's and 1970's is the most obvious answer. You can have a tax structure that is way too progressive, and cutting it generally leads to good things.
All of these topics are much more complicated than the red-pen-blue-pen shade-tree economists like to claim. Macro is hard, and anyone that says it isn't is lying to themselves.
Finally, why are we worried about the progressive tax system when it is so extremely clear that the best way to improve the country is to cut the fraud out of DC first. Increasing taxes on the poor without fixing the fraud problem is just going to make housing prices in DC even higher, without fixing the national debt or making the lives of middle class America (the group of people that really created the economy we have now) any better.
A better way to help the country is to eliminate the 10% - 40% of entitlement payments, military spending, and "foreign aid" that are obviously fraud. That will do way better than to try and squeeze blood from a turnip.
In summation, your complaint about progressive tax system is a first world problem. We are a third world economy living paycheck to paycheck, barely covering the costs of our pocket super computers and $80,000 truck notes, primarily because Uncle Sam is spending all of our money on hookers and blow like Hunter Biden meets Wade Wilson. Maybe take away deadbeatpool's credit card, put him in jail, cut out the waste, and then worry about the nuances of the tax structure.