gkaggie08 said:
I don't think anyone is 'rooting against' federal workers. Most are rooting for the bloated federal government to be trimmed down to the actual constitutional authority it has. We need an efficient government, and what is in DC is the complete opposite of efficient.
I'm sorry to hear that your plans of fostering children, which is a noble undertaking that I applaud you for, is in jeopardy due to potential job loss.
But it sounds like you have been in government for several decades and this is your first time to think that your job may be in jeopardy. Those of us in the private sector have dealt with that reality several times over in the last couple of decades. Try being in a start up that has 3 RIFs in under 6 months, or O&G when oil prices tank, or in a company you plan on making a career out of getting bought by a multi national.
Fear of losing your job sucks, but the private sector deals with it all the time. I'm sure most federal workers will find a spot somewhere
Layoffs in the private sector
survived - 7 (one company did them every year)
Let go - 1 (2 weeks severance)
Survived - 3
Let go - 1 (2 weeks severance)
Average occurrence is once about every 2 years.
The federal government has become employee welfare compared to the private sector because they tax us for revenue. The federal government doesn't have to be efficient or effective and has no sense of budget or measuring output per dollar spent like the private sector.
I can empathize with laid off workers because I have been effected by it myself in the past, but both me and my wife and many friends have experienced it and found new work.
The federal workers need to realize layoffs are common, they are not the end of the world, and they are not going to die.
Also, most people are lucky if they get even 4 weeks of severance. 8 months is unheard of. Get a job quickly and you'll have one hell of a year.