I am not him. But it is Magneto Speed V3
The 4473 I filled out today was the same it has been for years. (EDIT: Found the upcoming updates: https://www.atf.gov/firearms/atf-form-4473-firearms-transaction-record-revisions/ The revised form will become mandatory for use on April 1, 2023)lexofer said:
They changed the 4473 form yesterday. Now you have to sign twice, answer if you live in city limits, and a couple of reworded questions. Probably lots of other small changes I didn't notice.
BCStalk said:
Nice clip
Buck Turgidson said:
My Christmas present...
Have the 12 sporting if you ever want to complete the set.
Caesar Guerini Magnus with 20 and 28 gauge barrels. I've never shot 28 gauge before.
aggiesundevil4 said:
beautiful gun
At some point we need to modify the outdoor board motto…to 'we know stuff…and we are loaded…in more ways than one'