Is anybody else getting a certain vibe about this whole thing? Maybe it's just me.
country said:
Rules on our ranch……
1. Don't shoot anyone.
2. Leave all gates how you found them.
3. Manage the herd as best you can.
4. Have fun. That's what getting outdoors is all about.
5. Just in case you aren't very smart, if you do anything that anyone with common sense would know is not right, then you will receive a tongue lashing at minimum and could be removed depending on severity. We are all adults and either trust each other or not to have a bunch of dumb rules.
maddiedou said:
Bump for my wife to read
Catching gullible/inexperienced hunters that are uninformed to the law.maddiedou said:
I think that I'm a girl whose avid hunting and fishing family is from South Texas and I'm still trying to figure out how Frick and Frack think they can confiscate a hunters tagged deer and make it out alive.
Rookie posters coming in and trying to sell something around here with no ag tags don't usually get the benefit of the doubt. Especially when they try to keep all the details secret (I.e. pm me for details), and those details point to somebody else taking all the best deer on the lease while the lease holders have to get permission to shoot anything under penalty of having it confiscated in violation of state game laws. The red flag for me was the requirement to schedule ahead of time which days you would be on the lease and the statement that you would likely not be given permission to shoot anything bigger than a 10 pt. Those two combined with the bizarre requirements to get permission to shoot anything from a group of 3 guys and couldn't contact the landowner suggests to me that they are using the lease hunters to pattern the best deer and to sell the hunts of those deer to outsiders on weekends when they won't be in their stands.Outdoor Ag 316 said:
Interesting speculation with no facts to back it up. Seems like a common denominator with all social media. Where is Biden's ministry of misinformation. Just kidding, maybe you are right, I just don't know why you would speculate that.
Hats off to the guy for taking the High Road. Great Example.
Don't forget Mark!aggiedata said:Quote:
Hats off to the guy for taking the High Road. Great Example.
Hi Brad, Jerry and Mitch!
OH wow, did you ever walk into the wrong room and open your mouth....Outdoor Ag 316 said:
I just got on here to check out deer lease postings. Interesting comments to a guy looking to fill spots on a trophy deer lease. I took some time to read the rules posted and I did not see anything that had anything to do with breaking the law. The quote is here. It says you will likely be asked to leave the antlers.
"If you do not follow the approval process then we have nothing other to go by but teeth. If the teeth show less than 7.5 you will likely be asked to leave the antlers and not return to the ranch. Post approved deer on GroupMe. This allows for anyone with history to chime in. This will help identify bucks others have chosen to let grow because of age"
It seems to me these rules and the process for approval are put in place to encourage all hunters to share pictures so that trophy deer can reach the age of 7 before taking as a trophy. Hats off to anyone who can get a good class of 7 year olds. This allows the best genetics to stay in the heard for an extra year or 2 of breeding. Certainly good management to keep good genes in the heard longer.
Hats off to the guy for taking the High Road. Great Example.
Also, no one is hiding behind social media in here, Junior.Gigem 1985 said:
Spots filled. Interesting watching opinions guarded behind the security of social media. Lot's of misinformation out there and this forum is no exception. We appreciate all the positive emails received and the few posted here. Good luck all.
aggiedata said:Quote:
Hats off to the guy for taking the High Road. Great Example.
Hi Brad, Jerry and Mitch!
aggiesundevil4 said:
I. Seems like they clearly have a fixed mindset which is not oriented towards customer satisfaction or improving their business over time.
drred4 said:
Will a window sticker come from this thread!
aggiesundevil4 said:
I find it 'interesting' that OP edited his original post three times, and is now saying spots are filled and is blaming anonymity for the comments not their business model. A good business would take the 4 pages of comments as feedback on their approach. Seems like they clearly have a fixed mindset which is not oriented towards customer satisfaction or improving their business over time.
agsalaska said:
How did I miss this thread??
Can we shoot spikes???
Something tells me this would be a much different conversation in person.