Egg Roll House closed in the 1990s? I thought it closed way sooner than that. It was abandoned for years for Jimmy John's, and they didn't even tear down the building.
I went in to eat, just to say I had, around '82 or '83. The menu,
quer suprise was egg rolls. It was a place that looked the same open or closed. Given the cold shoulder I was given when I went in, my presumption was that the place was a 'social club' meaning mah jong parlour.
Actually, they did raze everything but the east and west walls, and the top plate along the south wall. They put in a steel beam to carry the roof trusses behind the new parapet wall.
Also: Epicures Catering opened in the mid-1990s, didn't it? I thought it had closed after the building started to fall apart, but it didn't close until a few years ago. Tiremax just removed the awning and built out a bit, but it's the same building.
Actually, they opened as one of the last Luther's BBQ, just before Luther's Corp slipped beneath the waves. The leased equipment was out of the building shortly after the closed sign went up. It then sat vacant for a stretch before Epicures went in. Epicures was also very good at looking the same open or closed. I suspect that they spent a lot of time being only open when they had catering work.
And now, they are gone, and a Tiremax stands in stead.