Marooned Records in Northgate and Disc-Go Round across the street. I remember getting Remix CD's of The Cure and also of Depeche Mode at Marooned. Hard to find 12 inch singles could be ordered at Marooned.I would buy used mainstream CD's at Disc-Go-Round.
Where Fuddruckers is now, didnt that used to be JJ Muggs? Speaking of Fuddruckers, I remmeber that strip center. JT McCords was in that strip center and I think there was more of the center where it looks like a Walgreens stands now? Not much across the street except Luther's BBQ.
I remember the whole broo-haha with the Munsonites. They wanted their road to be one way so the city just put up a sign on one side of the road that said "road closed" but you could still get through just one direction only.
The Red Lobster on Texas avenue didnt have much of anything around it, not like the area is today. There was a Mobil gas station close to that red Lobster.
And, of course, who could forget Archie's 39 cent hamburgers in Woodstone? I would buy a sackfull of those things! ( this might be 80s though not 90s I dont remember)
Also, in the 90s, wasnt there a mexican restaurant in Northgate called Two Pesos? 99 cent gold margaritas
Karoake at Chelsea Street Pub in Post Oak Mall, Bullwinkles (bad karaoke) and at Burton Creek Pub.
There used to be a CD place in the Kroger strip center at SW and Texas. I got alot of Razormaid! CD's there. I want to say ti was CD Exchange or CD warehouse? who remembers it?
I was a bagboy at Randall's when they first opened up. KBTX was looking for someone to interview for the 6 pm news when the place first opened, and the reporter just put the mic in my face and started talking to me> i think I said something about the convenience of the place being so close to A&M or something like that...I also was a busser at the BlackEyed Pea when they first opened but I got fired withn a few hours of opening because it was just so busy and I was too overwhelmed
[This message has been edited by 1984Consol (edited 5/9/2012 7:46p).]