The Association of Former Students should charge photographers for a license to shoot in Aggie Park. They overrun the place.
Glad it is popular..Buford T. Justice said:
The Association of Former Students should charge photographers for a license to shoot in Aggie Park. They overrun the place.
Always pack a candy bar. Tell them, "sure if you buy a candy bar for my son's band travel fund" and then set the price you want.Buford T. Justice said:
I was fishing with my son, and a photog came up and said,"Can you move, II need that light." "No, we are fishing here."
But my post was made after watching 10-15 photogs arranging cross pond shots.
Yep. They also should have campus cops walking through all the tailgates in the park and if they see anyone taking a photo with their cell phones, they should write the person up with a violation of park photo requrements. A fine of $50 would probably slow down that abuse of the park.Buford T. Justice said:
The Association of Former Students should charge photographers for a license to shoot in Aggie Park. They overrun the place.
woodiewood said:
I Thinks it's good that students are being photographed there. I can't see it being a huge issue for anyone.
I never noticed the hords of photographers taking shots of students in front of the old President's home.
I think it's great that the park is there and used for multiple uses.