Alright everyone, so who has the best donuts here in B/CS? I'm planning out my next cheat day.
Orlando Ayala Cant Read said:
Is the place out in Welborn still open? Never did try that.
But has the best kolaches I've ever had in BCS.Esteban du Plantier said:Orlando Ayala Cant Read said:
Is the place out in Welborn still open? Never did try that.
Trackside kolache? She moved to over by the Barracks, but never had donuts in the first place.
befitter said:
Try the new place Karma at Wellborn and R.P.
Not much of a choice these days.halibut sinclair said:
Still Shipley's, no matter what the negative nannies say.
Donald is also very good, yes.BurnetAggie99 said:
Donald Doughnuts
The best donuts! Many people are saying they've never seen donuts like Donald''s Donuts! Big! Beautiful!Rex Racer said:Donald is also very good, yes.BurnetAggie99 said:
Donald Doughnuts
No fruit kolaches yet though.befitter said:
Try the new place Karma at Wellborn and R.P.
oklaunion said:
I still vote Shipley's for straight glazed donuts, esp if they are warm. But the sausage/jalepeno kolache wrap is nothing but a little smokie with some jack cheese inside of a bun that is 2x larger than the meat.
Some might say.... YUGEFlyRod said:The best donuts! Many people are saying they've never seen donuts like Donald''s Donuts! Big! Beautiful!Rex Racer said:Donald is also very good, yes.BurnetAggie99 said:
Donald Doughnuts
oklaunion said:
I still vote Shipley's for straight glazed donuts, esp if they are warm. But the sausage/jalepeno kolache wrap is nothing but a little smokie with some jack cheese inside of a bun that is 2x larger than the meat.
bobinator said:
Yeah Karma (and I think there's multiple of them going up) is really good and does have donuts.
They've got some wild flavors that I had never considered for a breakfast but damn if they didn't sound good once I saw them.