Good grief, Marge was in rare form this morning.
[Marge goes on about George's house and backyard for a bit]
Marge: Believe it or not, George, I'm not doing quite as well as you.
George: I don't believe that.
Marge: All the aforementioned wealth is not in my life, because
I sunk my life savings into Bored Apes.
Craig: Oh no!
Marge: You're telling me! And now all my apes gone. Somebody swindled my NFTs!
Craig: You have that much spare change?
Marge: Hey, I used to have NFTs. George, remember how you used to point to my chest and say I had some NFTs?
Craig: George!
George: I did NOT.
Marge: Now they're a little saggy, I have to admit. As George said, it looks like I have ping pong paddles hanging there.
Craig: GEORGE! You're making her cry!
George: I never said that!
Marge: But of course, back in the day, it didn't stop you from slapping them around on Saturday night, eh George? You used to play that
Phil Collins "Air Tonight" on em.
Marge: Can I at least have a key to the construction workers' port-a-john in your backyard?
George: I do not have a port-a-john.
Marge: That's right, he treats his workers bad, too.