MW03 said:
What sucks about the apparent lack of funds to pay on-air talent is that I don't really see a way to remedy it with more money (unless executives/Tier 1 hosts are really hoarding a massive chunk of the pie and not sharing) since radio listenership and ad revenue is only going one direction: down.
It's an interesting "sports adjacent" question: would anyone at the ticket take a hometown discount a la Dirk to make sure that the bench and supporting cast can be stronger? My guess is no, because they aren't chasing championships. In the end, it's a job like any other. One of the perks they all enjoy is that they love going to work. Lots of people work lots of jobs making less money than they could elsewhere because they love what they do. When that love is outweighed by salary concerns or what they want from life, they move on. We can all agree that it's short-sighted of cumulus because they are losing talent, but we also don't know how strapped that company actually is. Like this post I quoted mentions, terrestrial radio isn't the money maker it once was. Maybe they legitimately can't pay substantially more for these positions.
I watched the Gordon/Mike Saturday night Twitch and the brief pre-break segment Mike and Cash did on ONE T1ME Sunday afternoon where the "broke down the film" from Saturday night.
Your point I bolded above is the point I think Mike was kinda/sorta trying to make. If the Little Ticket was still the Little Ticket I think they would be taking care of their own. But they aren't the Little Ticket. They're a Cumulus Media Station. And Cumulus Media Stations have a Corporate Pay Chart/Structure for various positions they apply to all their stations, regardless of how much those holding said positions "contribute" on the air.
But at some point, paying your dues doesn't pay your bills, so you move on. He mentioned he was a finalist to replace Danny, but turned it down because the time commitment would mean he couldn't work gigs at The Well Creative any more and the (slight) pay bump would mean an overall pay CUT.
I sincerely hope he can come back and do Boom in the House full time with Donovan someday but until then I think he'll do fine with Cash & Co.