Hincemm said:
Stive said:
Really? Who do you think it is?
That guy running the work out is his personal trainer that the HL has had on multiple times (Bobby Stroupe).
No idea who the bike guy is supposed to be?
I think anyone who posts in this thread and doesn't know what Jake looks like (or what this could have possibly alluded to) is…odd.
No disrespect. And when it comes to day 1 p1s "recognizing" ticket folks, i think most would be taken aback about the hammers look nowadays.
I liked Jake when BAD was Bob and Dan but life has led to a stretch of not really listening to the radio after about 8:00 or 8:30 each morning. Work during the day and family life after hours just doesn't make it feasible.
I'm really not curious enough about these guys to care what they look like. I don't think I've ever had the curiosity to look any of them up on the internet, nor do I follow any of them on social media. That pretty much only leaves me knowing what they look like by accident.
Is there some reason Patrick would have Jake in his commercial? Is there a back story there?