Wife and I will be relocating to Georgetown later this month. Before just cold calling moving companies, was going to check if any Ags ran one by chance to throw some business their way.
ccolley68 said:
Good riddance
combat wombat said:
Where are you located? I just moved and have a ton of boxes, both new and use, as well as a ton of tape.
combat wombat said:
I'm in Magnolia. My schedule is pretty full for the next week so a trip into town would be a challenge.
Whoop Delecto said:
Clear Lake Movers
Gun Safe (Over 500lbs)……….……….…….. $225.00 (1st Floor)
$325.00 (2nd Floor)
Safes (Under 500lbs)……………………..… $125.00 (1st Floor)
$175.00 (2nd Floor)