I just moved from Midland to Houston. It's not like I have a hard-on for Stanton or anything, I just suggested it because it is close by and apparently Andrews has housing prices similar to Midland, which begs the question, why not just live in Midland? I will agree that Andrews is niced than Stanton though. I lived in Midland for the majority of my life, so I feel that I have a good sense of home values there. 115-120 per sq foot seems high, although it does cost more to build than to buy. At the height of the housing bonanza about a year or so ago very nice, updated homes in the good parts of town were going for about 100 per sq ft. Homes that needed work were going for about 75 give or take. Right now it is probably about the same, except homes are not selling as quickly.
Pharm, I got no problem with Andrews at all, its a nice little town. I would just expect prices to be lower there than in Midland. I'm assuming your a pharmacist, so I imagine your making some bank due to the fact that it's hard to get your kind out that way. So, spend it however you like, what do I know, I'm just a random internet entity.