Ours is three years of misery capped by a 20-10 win against t.u. in '75. Good memories of Bubba Bean, Carl Roaches, George Woodard, Skip Walker, Ed Simonini, Garth TenNapel, Lester Hayes, Pat Thompson and of course, coach Emory Bellard. The Aggies were 10-2 and the Tri-Champions of the SWC that year and it was fun to see them have such a great season.
The long time rivalry is back and we look forward to yelling for our Aggies at Kyle Field on 11/30.

While the Milton Parker Estate B&B might be booked for this year's t.u. game, we have openings for this weekend's game against New Mexico State and for Aggie Men's & Women's basketball games against t.u.
Book here: https://www.miltonparkerhome.com/
BTHO t.u.
The long time rivalry is back and we look forward to yelling for our Aggies at Kyle Field on 11/30.

While the Milton Parker Estate B&B might be booked for this year's t.u. game, we have openings for this weekend's game against New Mexico State and for Aggie Men's & Women's basketball games against t.u.
Book here: https://www.miltonparkerhome.com/
BTHO t.u.