Cibalo said:
RedAnimal12 said:
Thermal runaway and hydrogen gas hazards
And now hydrogen fuel cells….
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Fuel cell vehicles have been around for almost 20 years as demonstration projects. GM has long had an ongoing FC development program and I believe about 10 years ago Toyota or Nissan did a FC car pilot program in California. They let people drive the cars around for a few months to collect some real world data.
I have riden in a few fuel cell powered vehicles and while they work well under optimal conditions I think there are a ton of technical issues to be figured out. After that you still have hydrogen storage issues and infrastructure, safety, and cost.
I think any early adaptors will be in Europe and it will be a long time before we see any in the US in a number that matter.
Hydrogen is a terrible fuel for a car, being the main challenge, whether fuel cell or ICE.
Energy density by mass (why chop off the carbon first?), need to keep chilled, pressure vessels etc. Anyway, I will again
echo a poster who provided a succinct explanation as to why a couple years back;
Electricity is the worst way to store energy. Hydrogen is second.
A PEM electrolysis unit will give you about 20 kg of H2 per MWh. So at cheap electric prices, it theoretically could compete. But the devil is in the details.
Those pushing the H2 agenda will often brag about its energy density. It is true, that H2 is very energy dense on a mass basis. 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of H2 contains approximately the energy of 1 gallon (~8 lbs) of gasoline. Looks good, right?
But when it comes to transportation fuels and the infrastructure to move the fuels around, mass doesn't matter, volume does. This is true for storage tanks, pipelines, pumps, compressors, etc. And that is where H2 is a big loser.
At 1000psig of pressure, that 1 kg of H2 takes up almost 50 gallons of space. Even at 10,000psig, it is still going to occupy 7 gallons of space.
So, you can't compress your way to the volume energy density of gasoline (and compressing H2 is very inefficient/expensive), so you liquefy it, right? That's what some propose.
Well, liquefaction has its own challenges. The main one, of course, is how cold you have to get. We're talking 21K to liquefy H2. If you're not familiar with Kelvin, 21K equals -422F. Oh, and even when liquefied, that 1 kg of H2 is still going to occupy over 3 gallons of space.