Guess who bought them?

Corps_Ag12 said:
kubiak03 said:
Tillman's in the car business?
I had the same though, that keating bought them. Lol
1agswitchin4lanes said:kubiak03 said:
Tillman's in the car business?
I had the same though, that keating bought them. Lol
Yup. I think he owns the RR dealer in the galleria
TSW2012 said:1agswitchin4lanes said:kubiak03 said:
Tillman's in the car business?
I had the same though, that keating bought them. Lol
Yup. I think he owns the RR dealer in the galleria
I heard the same thing. Story I heard was he went in to buy a car wasn't happy with service and went full Pretty Woman and bought the place. Idk stories about him are varying levels of true.