Your money, you do what you want, but why? With all the squat variations there is absolutely no need for a machine. I get it. If that is what you like to do and you have the money, go for it.
Leg press/hack squat machines - they are just a poor substitute for squats. Decent for auxilliary work and volume, but completely unnecessary.
If I was to spend the money on a machine, I'd get the Pit Shark.
Pit Shark - Body Weight / Weight Loaded Movements | Rogue FitnessDon't take it that I'm hating on the hack squat/leg press machine. They are great for gyms because people don't want to squat. For a home gym, I wouldn't spend my money on that.
But take that with a grain of salt. I'm also they guy who has a monolift and a reverse hyper machine in his garage.