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**** 2024 Fat Loss & Health Goals ****

47,048 Views | 472 Replies | Last: 3 hrs ago by bagger05
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Keep grinding!

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Indeed!!! Keep after it!

Decide what to be and go be it!!!
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BassCowboy33 said:

BassCowboy33 said:

What's up, fools? After hitting my goal under the 150 lb frame in early May, I took 2.5 months to get back into old routines, bulk, live a little, and see what would happen.

I gained back most of the "weight" I lost during that time. For those new to the thread, I started the cut last fall at 175 lbs and got down to 149 lbs in May. As of this week, I got back up to 169 lbs. This surprised me a bit because the weight looks very different than before the first cut, and I'm guessing that has to do with my continued lifting and muscle gain during the past nine months. I still have the strength, definition, and slimmer face (big deal for me. I hate having marshmallow face). Most surprisingly, my waist has stayed at 30" (down from 34" before the original cut).

So, where's all that weight? I assume a chunk of it is water weight, since I'm eating and drinking more carbs. I also noticed that my ab definition depleted a good chunk, so that's probably where the fat weight was added on.

The look has been great. A few weeks back, a local politician told me, "If I looked like you, I'd run for governor." It was maybe the best compliment I've received in a long while.

My doctor has talked to me about "set-point theory", where the human body wants to be at a certain weight and will do what it takes metabolically to stay there. I'm guessing my set weight is about 170.

So, now, my question is, how low of a body fat can I make that 170? This means it's time for a series of cuts and bulks over the next 1-3 years to see what we can do. So, I started cut #2 on Sunday after a two-week vacation (nicknamed Operation Over the Hill). The goal is to do what I did before: 1,600-2,200 Calories/day over the next 8-12 weeks and see what happens, with the goal of being to hit below 150. It's a faster goal than the first time, but I think the weight will fall off faster this time around, especially since I have less fat to lose. I go by weekly weight aggregate, but the Day 1 weight was 169.2 lbs. Already down to 166.4 after four days. I expect that initial drop to be large and mostly water.

Glad to be back. I'll be providing the weekly updates as per usual.

So, the starting weight was 169.2 lbs.
7Wt: 167.5 lbs
HWt: 169.2 lbs
LWt: 165.6 lbs
ChW: -1.7 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
7Wt: 164.3 lbs
HWt: 166.3 lbs
LWt: 163.0 lbs
ChW: -3.2 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
Week 2: 164.3 lbs
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Last year on August 8th I hit my lowest weight after liver surgery. That happened to be the day I got a DEXA scan. Went back on August 8th of this year to see how things have changed. This is what I got.

Body Fat: 19.1%-> 14.6% (-4.4%)
Total Mass: 197.7->195.1. (-2.6lbs)
Fat Mass: 37.8->28.8 (-9lbs)
Lean Mass: 151.3->157.5 (+6.2lbs)

My damn Android region is the bringing my bf average up. It's the only part of me over 15% at 16.6%.

Anyways, thought it was pretty cool to see the changes. Plan to go back again in 6 months.
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So I'm late to this thread and getting started in 2024. But I've started and I'm down 25 pounds.

Age: 60
Height: 6'2"
Current weight: A lot more than it should be.
Desired weight: 220 (maybe 210)
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Agzonfire said:

Agzonfire said:

Agzonfire said:

Agzonfire said:

Agzonfire said:

Agzonfire said:

Agzonfire said:

Age: 39
Current: 263
June goal: 250
2024 goal: 240

Update. 258 this morning. If I hit goals early, I'm good with that. I didn't want to put out some crazy number that would seem unattainable at the time. Or maybe I go under the goal weights and then slowly gain to where I still hit the numbers. I don't know, I just want this to be something that lasts and not a 1-2 month sprint.

256. 2lbs a month isn't impressive but I'll take it! Going on night walks after the baby goes to bed has been nice. Helps me relax and wind down. I'm excited for when we time change and we can go on walks after dinner again.

251.3 this morning. Kind of shocked as it's been a sluggish month, with spring break thrown in there also. Night walks have become pretty regular and not snacking at night are the only things I can think of for the progress. I've gotten several compliments from friends and coworkers which has been awesome. Hope everyone has a great week!

Still at 251, mostly posting this for my own accountability. Just booked a Vegas trip in August, so I'm changing my goals a little.
I really think that if I keep my current pace and be a little strict on my diet I can get to 239 by 8/15/24. So, 4.5 months, 12 lbs. My only concern is how busy the summer months are, with vacations planned pretty much every other weekend. But that's just an easy excuse that old me wod use!
Anyways, I hope everyone is giving it their best I know it's not easy (or everyone would do it)

245 this morning. Feeling good but have definitely slowed down as it's gotten hotter outside. Seeing people go from. 245 to 200 in 5-6 months gives me a lot of confidence that I can reach and beat my goals. Great job everyone, keep it up.

240.3 today. Definitely have been dealing with the heat poorly and have stopped walking in the evenings because of it. Really need to get that going again. Only thing helping me is eating better and not snacking at night as much. I've got a month to get to 239 so hopefully that will happen.
This thread has also died off quite a bit so hopefully we all get that beginning of year motivation back.
I did go clothes shopping last week because I needed a new belt and shorts which was a great feeling to do since I was going from 40 to 36s

239.3 this morning on my 40th birthday! I'm very happy with my progress and it's nice to see a 3 on that second number. I had definitely slacked on walking but have picked it back up this week and am looking forward to the cooler weather.
I want to set an aggressive end of year goal of 229.
Also Ive been doing more body weight workouts in the morning and think that has helped kickstart me back into the proper mindset.
I have blood work scheduled at the end of the month, hopefully the results will be very different from a year ago. I'm actually looking forward to it.
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Today officially marks 1 year of monitoring my macros. I lost 132lbs before intentionally upping my calories to try and build muscle mass.

Since upping my calories on Monday June 28th I have stayed at the same weight - 192. My next DEXA scan is Wednesday 08/28. I'm anxious to see how it's going. My wife says I've definitely grown muscles since I started but she's always my #1 hype man.

Keep up the hard work everyone.
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I had an off day this past Tuesday and it immediately showed on the scale.

Took Tuesday and Wednesday off from swimming, but was back at it yesterday (Thursday). After only returning to swimming for two weeks I set a two-week PR on a mile swim (44:46). I also increased my distance from 1600M to 2000M. Felt really good.

Need to drop 10 more pounds to have my hip replaced. The goal is to be at that weight by 9/9/2024 when I see the hip surgeon.

Thanks to everyone on this thread as way to hold us all accountable.
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jograki said:

Age: 37 F
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 160

1. 3 strict pull-ups by May
2. Deadlift 1.25x body weight

Seeing so many great updates, way to go y'all!

For me, I was able to get a 1RM 205 lb deadlift a couple months ago. I want to get to 215 by end of year.

I haven't gotten a strict pull up yet but aiming to at least have 1 by year end, I've been dealing with shoulder issues so it'll take a little longer.
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BassCowboy33 said:

BassCowboy33 said:

BassCowboy33 said:

What's up, fools? After hitting my goal under the 150 lb frame in early May, I took 2.5 months to get back into old routines, bulk, live a little, and see what would happen.

I gained back most of the "weight" I lost during that time. For those new to the thread, I started the cut last fall at 175 lbs and got down to 149 lbs in May. As of this week, I got back up to 169 lbs. This surprised me a bit because the weight looks very different than before the first cut, and I'm guessing that has to do with my continued lifting and muscle gain during the past nine months. I still have the strength, definition, and slimmer face (big deal for me. I hate having marshmallow face). Most surprisingly, my waist has stayed at 30" (down from 34" before the original cut).

So, where's all that weight? I assume a chunk of it is water weight, since I'm eating and drinking more carbs. I also noticed that my ab definition depleted a good chunk, so that's probably where the fat weight was added on.

The look has been great. A few weeks back, a local politician told me, "If I looked like you, I'd run for governor." It was maybe the best compliment I've received in a long while.

My doctor has talked to me about "set-point theory", where the human body wants to be at a certain weight and will do what it takes metabolically to stay there. I'm guessing my set weight is about 170.

So, now, my question is, how low of a body fat can I make that 170? This means it's time for a series of cuts and bulks over the next 1-3 years to see what we can do. So, I started cut #2 on Sunday after a two-week vacation (nicknamed Operation Over the Hill). The goal is to do what I did before: 1,600-2,200 Calories/day over the next 8-12 weeks and see what happens, with the goal of being to hit below 150. It's a faster goal than the first time, but I think the weight will fall off faster this time around, especially since I have less fat to lose. I go by weekly weight aggregate, but the Day 1 weight was 169.2 lbs. Already down to 166.4 after four days. I expect that initial drop to be large and mostly water.

Glad to be back. I'll be providing the weekly updates as per usual.

So, the starting weight was 169.2 lbs.
7Wt: 167.5 lbs
HWt: 169.2 lbs
LWt: 165.6 lbs
ChW: -1.7 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
7Wt: 164.3 lbs
HWt: 166.3 lbs
LWt: 163.0 lbs
ChW: -3.2 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
Week 2: 164.3 lbs
7Wt: 163.1 lbs
HWt: 168.4 lbs
LWt: 161.0 lbs
ChW: -1.2 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
Week 2: 164.3 lbs
Week 3: 163.1 lbs

An odd week. I had a work conference in Asheville, so the high weight jumped and spoiled what would have been a great drop. It'll be interesting to see how fast the body gets back down this week.
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chansonjr said:

Age: 42
Height: 5'11"
Starting Weight: 276 in March
Goal: just to lose weight and get healthier.
I am down to 233 as of today. Can't wait to get in the 220s as the last time I saw that was around 2009.

Down to 228.6 today. Now let's see if I can get into the 210s
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chansonjr said:

chansonjr said:

Age: 42
Height: 5'11"
Starting Weight: 276 in March
Goal: just to lose weight and get healthier.
I am down to 233 as of today. Can't wait to get in the 220s as the last time I saw that was around 2009.

Down to 228.6 today. Now let's see if I can get into the 210s
Incredible progress!

Keep it up!!!
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fav13andac1)c said:

fav13andac1)c said:

I'm back up to 210 from 187 a couple years ago. I was once at 230, but standards are different now. Entering into slim down season ahead of football/fall beers/hearty stews.

Using MyFitnessPal to keep a calorie deficit and protein heavy macros. Also using the elliptical twice a week to start.

Down 7 lbs since this post. Gonna keep this train rolling.
199 on the scale this morning. 11 lbs down since July 15th.
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BassCowboy33 said:

BassCowboy33 said:

BassCowboy33 said:

BassCowboy33 said:

What's up, fools? After hitting my goal under the 150 lb frame in early May, I took 2.5 months to get back into old routines, bulk, live a little, and see what would happen.

I gained back most of the "weight" I lost during that time. For those new to the thread, I started the cut last fall at 175 lbs and got down to 149 lbs in May. As of this week, I got back up to 169 lbs. This surprised me a bit because the weight looks very different than before the first cut, and I'm guessing that has to do with my continued lifting and muscle gain during the past nine months. I still have the strength, definition, and slimmer face (big deal for me. I hate having marshmallow face). Most surprisingly, my waist has stayed at 30" (down from 34" before the original cut).

So, where's all that weight? I assume a chunk of it is water weight, since I'm eating and drinking more carbs. I also noticed that my ab definition depleted a good chunk, so that's probably where the fat weight was added on.

The look has been great. A few weeks back, a local politician told me, "If I looked like you, I'd run for governor." It was maybe the best compliment I've received in a long while.

My doctor has talked to me about "set-point theory", where the human body wants to be at a certain weight and will do what it takes metabolically to stay there. I'm guessing my set weight is about 170.

So, now, my question is, how low of a body fat can I make that 170? This means it's time for a series of cuts and bulks over the next 1-3 years to see what we can do. So, I started cut #2 on Sunday after a two-week vacation (nicknamed Operation Over the Hill). The goal is to do what I did before: 1,600-2,200 Calories/day over the next 8-12 weeks and see what happens, with the goal of being to hit below 150. It's a faster goal than the first time, but I think the weight will fall off faster this time around, especially since I have less fat to lose. I go by weekly weight aggregate, but the Day 1 weight was 169.2 lbs. Already down to 166.4 after four days. I expect that initial drop to be large and mostly water.

Glad to be back. I'll be providing the weekly updates as per usual.

So, the starting weight was 169.2 lbs.
7Wt: 167.5 lbs
HWt: 169.2 lbs
LWt: 165.6 lbs
ChW: -1.7 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
7Wt: 164.3 lbs
HWt: 166.3 lbs
LWt: 163.0 lbs
ChW: -3.2 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
Week 2: 164.3 lbs
7Wt: 163.1 lbs
HWt: 168.4 lbs
LWt: 161.0 lbs
ChW: -0.9 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
Week 2: 164.3 lbs
Week 3: 163.4 lbs
7Wt: 162.3 lbs
HWt: 165.9 lbs
LWt: 160.7 lbs
ChW: -1.1 lbs
Week 0: 169.2 lbs
Week 1: 167.5 lbs
Week 2: 164.3 lbs
Week 3: 163.4 lbs
Week 4: 162.3 lbs

Spent the first couple of days recovering from the work conference, then the weight dropped hard. A bit surprised to have done as well as I did over the seven-day average.
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Following up and unfortunately I'm super disappointed in the results.

Net weight loss was 2.7lbs. Unfortunately I gained 3.8lbs of fat mass and lost 6.5lbs of lean tissue.

Not sure where to go from here but I have my next appointment with my nutritionist on Wednesday. Hopefully we can come up with a new game plan.
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Bummer but it's better to be armed with information.
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Yea. I think I'm zeroing in on what may have driven the issue.

When I upped my calories I really tried to balance my macros better and hit my all my targets instead of eating mostly protein. When did this, I leaned on some processed foods (H-E-B carb sense tortillas, Legendary Pop Tarts, Catalina Crunch Cereal) that seem to use net carbs to calculate calories. So I may inadvertently upped my calories even more than I meant to while simultaneously taking in less protein (im still averaging 240 grams a day) and eating more fats (still staying at or below my macro target). I'm not sure if this drove the issue or not but it's the only thing I can think of.

This is the only variable I have not accounted for. I'm going to run it by my nutritionist to get her input. I'll report back to the thread, just in case anyone is curious.
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