OP hasn't shared enough to know there is anything fishy going on, But the post you are quoting is a reasonable analysis of one possible scenario and your comment is spot on. But I'd give the OP a bit of grace. Al of us find cheats at points in our lives and leverage the heck out of them. One favorite of Texans, because Texas is so big, is speeding. Yes Jimmy Carter was an idiot and yes the northeast (aka Yankees") like dictating to the rest of the U.S. how to behave via jacking with federal payments (see every interference by the federal government but especially Title IX and Obamacare/Medicaid).
I do think very few people understand that tax compliance is improved by cutting out tax carve outs and lowering the tax rates either via growing and reducing brackets, going to a flat tax, focusing on consumption taxation (aka national sales tax), or the current rather short-sighted attempt to go back to tariffs (which McKinley abandoned after being the King of Tariffs before Trump because we needed to export goods to sell our now robust manufactured goods inventories during his presidency.)
The three, primary mandatory spend entitlements are about to induce higher debt service than military spending. That is the point of no return for most nations especially when the next war starts. So those of us supporting one of the best schooos for producing active service officers (other than the service academies should want to not impoverish our nation and should want to hit cheat on taxes as a matter of public service.
My only tax dodge is tax sheltered regular 401k and I likely will start moving all of my sheltered savings to Roth 401k and just pay the taxes. Most individual tax payers with the current standard deduction don't itemize anymore, too. Simplify the taxation and get rid of all tax carve outs should be the goal of the OP if he is a model citizen.