Detmersdislocatedshoulder said:
i will say i have noticed a decrease in participation on the football board as well. i think at this point most would agree it's put up or shut up time. between nil, and having the greatest class of all time turn into the most overrated class of all time i think most don't care until the season starts and at that point for the first time maybe ever i think football will have to somewhat earn their fans. i think people are kind of fed up and with NIL destroying any loyalty to the school it's hard to get overly excited about hired assassins that get you to 7-5 or 8-4 yet again.
Detmersdislocatedshoulder said:
i will say i have noticed a decrease in participation on the football board as well. i think at this point most would agree it's put up or shut up time. between nil, and having the greatest class of all time turn into the most overrated class of all time i think most don't care until the season starts and at that point for the first time maybe ever i think football will have to somewhat earn their fans. i think people are kind of fed up and with NIL destroying any loyalty to the school it's hard to get overly excited about hired assassins that get you to 7-5 or 8-4 yet again.
King of the Dairy Queen said:
There was once a dream that was the Zoo, you could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish.
King of the Dairy Queen said:
There was once a dream that was the Zoo, you could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish.
I've been watching Aggie football for 35+ years, and no program does less with more than this one.Johnny Boyziel 2 said:
This site has become nothing more than a place for people destined for misery to come and sulk and get pats on the back from other miserable people. If some of yall hate A&M football and other sports so much, then why not just stop following? Have yall thought of that?
Ayyyyyhunter2012 said:
This forum is like a forum for a popular TV series that has finished it's finale. Sure there are regulars that will always be here, but the new posters will only show up if there's a new spin-off or sequel. In other words, give me a season that doesn't end with a 7-6, 8-5, 9-4 season, and I promise there will be more activity on this board. Until then, this is our range of wins 90% of the time. It feels super repetitive at this point, like we're watching reruns.
Is there any optimism or reason to believe we will have 10 wins next year?
Detmersdislocatedshoulder said:
i will say i have noticed a decrease in participation on the football board as well. i think at this point most would agree it's put up or shut up time. between nil, and having the greatest class of all time turn into the most overrated class of all time i think most don't care until the season starts and at that point for the first time maybe ever i think football will have to somewhat earn their fans. i think people are kind of fed up and with NIL destroying any loyalty to the school it's hard to get overly excited about hired assassins that get you to 7-5 or 8-4 yet again.
King of the Dairy Queen said:
There was once a dream that was the Zoo, you could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish.