MuckRaker96 said:
nkc1981 said:
Wow, what a heroic and brave move by the players. Cant believe they were actually willing to make the incredible sacrifice to boycott the games and have them postponed for a day or two, while they continue to get paid millions regardless. If nothing else, this is definitely going to fix America.
There's no better way to get people to listen to you then to deny them the thing they all desperately crave from you. The average NBA player might not be a genius, but they clearly have some leadership and some passion for the issue. Bravo for taking a stand, regardless of how it plays out.
If most of the people still watching are just as woke as they are, then withholding the product they want doesn't actually do anything.
If they boycotted China in support of human rights, and the Chinese citizens demanded change so that they could have the NBA, that would actually make a difference. That's a how a boycott works.
Trade sanctions are essentially boycotting an entire country. You want to be part of our economy and benefit mutually? Then change. That's what we did to South Africa.
What the NBA players are doing isn't going to be effective. It's going to further divide their fan base and turn off more eyes. And it's not going to fix a damn thing with police brutality.
How about you boycott until your fans learn to abide by the law, stop committing acts of violence, and commit to loving their family. THAT might actually make a difference.
Mike Shaw - Class of '03