The Porkchop Express said:
tjack16 said:
I'm an Astros fan and don't think Adolis is on steroids. Most of us don't actually think he is. A lot of the comments I'm seeing seem tongue in cheek and not serious.
He's just strong and good at hitting the baseball. Also I don't hate him or the rangers for last year's ALCS. It was one playoff series. Yes it was a BIG series… but so were every other ALCS we've been to the last 7 years. We also got beat by the Rays, and Red Sox in the ALCS in recent years. I don't hate them either. I'm more mad at the fact the Astros couldn't win a home game than I am that we lost to the Rangers. It could have been against the Orioles and I'd still feel just as mad.
Astros vs Rangers is a good rivalry which is fun for the state. Astros owned it from 2017-2022 in a big way, and the Rangers owned it in the end in 2023. And I think yall are trending in a better direction than we are right now this year too.
I'm an Astro fan and I think everyone who has ever played for the Rangers took steroids unless they also played for the Astros at some point. So that clears Berkman, Nolan, Pudge, Buddy Bell, Incaviglia, and a few others.
Carlos Beltran?!

I also think whoever designed your stadium was taking either coke or some really bad pcp when they thought that was a good design.
I think they probably watching an Astros game and then went to a Home Depot and thought... "Wow... if I designed MMP like a Home Depot, they'll never see the resemblance."

As much as I dislike the outside... I dislike the inside even more. Seats point to top of 2nd base dirt, where as RBiA were pointed to the Pitchers mound. If you sit natural in GLF... you'll be looking at the top of 2B dirt.

Bathrooms, concourse, food are all designed for steady traffic as opposed to the natural focused traffic of baseball. In baseball, fans get up during breaks between half-innings and so you get a flood of patrons. For concerts and other sports, you see a more steady flow. We spent 2 IP getting dogs because anything else would have been 3-4 IP missed. It was something RBiA was designed to address. We went backwards.
You shouldn't miss a full IP waiting in line for the bathroom.
There are pinch points in the concourse that funnel traffic into a mess.

My 1st game during Covid I said they'd need to make $150-200M in changes to the park just based on the limited attendance they allowed during Covid. IMO, the stadium is a cash-cow but a disaster logistically. Except the AC.
Also, after going to 4 games at Arlington Stadium as a kid when the temp was over 103, I think whoever decided the ballpark shouldn't have a roof should be charged with treason
For all they did in designing and architecting RBiA... that was a huge miss. Unforgiveable... and so now, we pay. We get the roof but it looks like a grill and is a Special Events center, not a baseball park.

I also can't believe you guys let Sierra and bobby witt go for canseco.
And Jeff Russell. And Cash.

But, I bet the Canseco header for a HR is watched more and remembered more than anything we gave up.